JAJSC97C January 2015 – September 2018 TPS7B7701-Q1 , TPS7B7702-Q1
型番 | パッケージ | チャネル |
TPS7B7701-Q1 | HTSSOP (16) | シングル |
TPS7B7702-Q1 | HTSSOP (16) | デュアル |
Changes from B Revision (November 2015) to C Revision
Changes from A Revision (May 2015) to B Revision
Changes from * Revision (January 2015) to A Revision
EN | 2 | — | Input | Active-high enable input for the OUT pin with internal pulldown. |
EN1 | — | 2 | Input | Active-high enable input for the OUT1 pin with internal pulldown. |
EN2 | — | 3 | Input | Active-high enable input for the OUT2 pin with internal pulldown. |
ERR | 9 | 9 | Output | This pin is an open-drain fault indicator for general faults. |
FB | 15 | — | Input | Feedback input for setting OUT voltage. Connect FB to GND for current-limited switch operation. |
FB1 | — | 15 | Input | Feedback input for setting OUT1 voltage. Connect FB1 to GND for current-limited switch operation. |
FB2 | — | 13 | Input | Feedback input for setting OUT2 voltage. Connect FB2 to GND for current-limited switch operation. |
GND | 12 | 12 | Ground | Ground reference |
IN | 1 | 1 | Power | Input power-supply voltage |
LIM | 10 | — | Output | Programmable current-limit pin. Connect a resistor to GND to set the current limitation level. This pin does not need an external capacitor. To set to internal current limit, short this pin to GND. |
LIM1 | — | 10 | Output | Programmable current-limit pin for channel 1. Connect a resistor to GND to set the current limitation level for channel 1. This pin does not need an external capacitor. To set to internal current limit, short this pin to GND. |
LIM2 | — | 11 | Output | Programmable current-limit pin for channel 2. Connect a resistor to GND to set the current limitation level for channel 2. This pin does not need an external capacitor. To set to internal current limit, short this pin to GND. |
NC | 3, 13, 14 | — | — | Not connected. Connect the NC pins to ground or leave floating. |
6, 7, 11 | — | — | Internally connected. These pins must either be floated or connected to GND. | |
OUT | 16 | — | Power | Output voltage |
OUT1 | — | 16 | Power | Output voltage 1 |
OUT2 | — | 14 | Power | Output voltage 2 |
SENSE | 5 | — | Output | Output of current sense for sensing. To set the SENSE output voltage level, connect a resistor between this pin and GND. In addition, connect a 1-µF capacitor from this pin to GND for frequency compensation of the current-sense loop. Short this pin to GND if not used. |
SENSE1 | — | 5 | Output | Output of current sense for sensing. SENSE1 current is proportional to the current flow through OUT1 and SENSE 2 current is proportional to OUT2 current when SENSE_SEL and SENSE_EN are low. To set the SENSEx output voltage level, connect a resistor between this pin and GND. In addition, connect a 1-µF capacitor from the SENSEx pin to GND for frequency compensation of the current-sense loop. Short the SENSEx pin to GND if not used. |
SENSE2 | — | 6 | Output | |
SENSE_EN | 8 | 8 | Input | This pin is the enable and disable of the current-sense pin for multiplexing, active-low enable. |
SENSE_SEL | — | 7 | Input | This pin selects the current sense between channel 1 and channel 2. See Table 2 for details. |
VCC | 4 | 4 | Output | Internal 4.5-V regulator. Connect 1-μF ceramic capacitor between VCC and GND for frequency compensation. |