JAJSPL6A October 2023 – December 2023 TPSM365R1 , TPSM365R15
The power-good feature using the PGOOD pin of the TPSM365R1x can be used to reset a system microprocessor whenever the output voltage is out of regulation. This open-drain output remains low under device fault conditions, such as current limit and thermal shutdown, as well as during normal startup. A glitch filter prevents false flag operation for any short duration excursions in the output voltage, such as during line and load transients. Output voltage excursions lasting less than tRESET_FILTER do not trip the power-good flag. Power-good operation can best be understood in reference to Figure 7-7. Table 7-3 gives a more detailed breakdown the PGOOD operation. Here, VPG-UV is defined as the PG-UV scaled version of the VOUT-Reg (target regulated output voltage) and VPG-HYS as the PG-HYS scaled version of the VOUT-Reg, where both PG-UV and PG-HYS are listed in Section 6.5. During the initial power up, a total delay of 5 ms (typical) is encountered from the time the VEN-VOUT is triggered to the time that the power-good is flagged high. This delay only occurs during the device startup and is not encountered during any other normal operation of the power-good function. When EN/UVLO is pulled low, the power-good flag output is also forced low. With EN/UVLO low, power-good remains valid as long as the input voltage (VPG-VALID is ≥ 0.9 V (typical)).
The power-good output scheme consists of an open-drain n-channel MOSFET, which requires an external pullup resistor connected to a suitable logic supply. It can also be pulled up to either VCC or VOUT through an appropriate resistor, as desired. If this function is not needed, the PGOOD pin can be open or grounded. Limit the current into this pin to ≤ 4 mA.
VOUT < VPG-UV AND t > tRESET_FILTER | Output voltage in regulation: VPG-UV + VPG-HYS < VOUT < VPG-OV - VPG-HYS |
VOUT > VPG-OV AND t > tRESET_FILTER | Output voltage in regulation |
TJ > TSD-R | TJ < TSD-F AND output voltage in regulation |
EN < VEN-VOUT - VEN-HYST | EN > VEN-VOUT AND output voltage in regulation |
VCC < VCC-UVLO - VCC-UVLO-HYST | VCC > VCC-UVLO AND output voltage in regulation |