11 Revision History
Changes from Revision A (July 2022) to Revision B (October 2024)
- ドキュメント全体にわたって表、図、相互参照の採番方法を更新Go
- Changed in Absolute Maximum Ratings, Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) from
260°C to 300°CGo
- Changed Thermal Information, Package Thermal Impedance from 97°C/W
to 117.4°C/WGo
- Added missing "≤" in Electrical Characteristics table, CURRENT
SENSE: PSRR, test conditions Go
- Changed in Electrical Characteristics table, OUTPUT SECTION: Rise
and fall time, typical value from 50ns to 25nsGo
- Changed in Electrical Characteristics table, PWM SECTION: maximum
duty cycle, minimum value from 94% to 92%Go
- Changed Electrical Characteristics table, TOTAL STANDBY CURRENT, Vcc
Zener voltage, typical value from 34V to 39VGo
- Updated Typical Characteristics Frequency vs Rt and Maximum Duty
Cycle vs Rt graphsGo
Changes from Revision * (May 2008) to Revision A (July 2022)
- Updated analog input pins 3 and 5 to 2, 3, and 4Go
- Added Junction Temperature, TJ to the Absolute Maximum Ratings
- Added Recommended Operating ConditionsGo
- Changed Low-level Output Voltage from 15 V to 1.5 VGo