JAJSKX1A january 2015 – december 2020 UCC28700-Q1
Assuming no-load standby power is a critical design parameter, determine estimated no-load power based on target converter maximum switching frequency and output power rating.
The following equation estimates the stand-by power of the converter.
For a typical USB charger application, the bias power during no-load is approximately 2.5 mW. This is based on 25-V VDD and 100-µA bias current. The output preload resistor can be estimated by VOCV and the difference in the converter stand-by power and the bias power. The equation for output preload resistance accounts for bias power estimated at 2.5 mW.
Typical start-up resistance values for RSTR range from 13 MΩ to 20 MΩ to achieve 1-s start-up time. The capacitor bulk voltage for the loss estimation is the highest voltage for the stand-by power measurement, typically 325 VDC.
For the total stand-by power estimation add an estimated 2.5 mW for snubber loss to the start-up resistance and converter stand-by power loss.