DLPU100B May   2020  – June 2024 DLP2021-Q1 , DLP3021-Q1


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Introduction
    1. 1.1 Purpose and Scope
  5. 2FPGA Pin Configuration and Functions
    1. 2.1 DMD Interface
    2. 2.2 Light Control
    3. 2.3 Communication
    4. 2.4 Support
    5. 2.5 FPGA Dedicated Pins
    6. 2.6 Power and Ground
    7. 2.7 Unused Pins
  6. 3Specifications
    1. 3.1 Recommended Operating Conditions
    2. 3.2 FPGA Power Consumption
    3. 3.3 Host SPI Interface Timing
    4. 3.4 Power Supply and Reset Timing
      1. 3.4.1 Power-Up Timing
      2. 3.4.2 Power-Down Timing
      3. 3.4.3 Brownout Detection
    5. 3.5 DMD Interface Timing
    6. 3.6 Flash Memory Interface Timing
    7. 3.7 Reference Clock Timing
    8. 3.8 I2C Interface Timing
  7. 4Feature Descriptions
    1. 4.1 Video Control
      1. 4.1.1 Video Options
      2. 4.1.2 Example 1: Display a Static Image
      3. 4.1.3 Example 2: Display 1 Video Repeatedly
      4. 4.1.4 Example 3: Display Two Videos Then Stop
      5. 4.1.5 Example 4: Display a Video Once and Then Display an Image Forever
      6. 4.1.6 Example 5: Display 3+ Videos/Images Seamlessly
    2. 4.2 Temperature Measurements
    3. 4.3 PWM Outputs
    4. 4.4 Host IRQ Interrupt Signal
    5. 4.5 Video and Image Compression
  8. 5Layout
  9. 6Host Command Protocol
    1. 6.1 SPI Specifications
    2. 6.2 SPI Write Command
    3. 6.3 SPI Read Command
  10. 7FPGA Register Definitions
  11. 8Revision History

SPI Write Command

MOSI (master output, slave input):

Table 6-2 SPI MOSI Write Command Information
CMD Command byte. 0 for write
Address 2-byte register address
Data 4-byte register data
Checksum Sum of all transmitted bytes including command, address, data. Discard overflow if sum exceeds 255.

MISO (Master input, slave output):

Table 6-3 SPI MISO Write Command Information
CMD (ACK) Echo of the received command from the master
Address (ACK) Echo of the received address
Data Echo of the received data
DLP3021-Q1 SPI Write Command
                    Format Figure 6-1 SPI Write Command Format