DLPU103B october 2020 – may 2023 DLP230NP
Various sample scripts are provided with the Python API library for use with the DLPDLCR230NPEVM. Assuming that the python scripts have been loaded to:
$ cd /home/pi/Documents/dlp
It is recommended to use the list command to see what scripts are available:
$ ls -l
To run a given script, execute the following command:
$python3 sample01_tpg.py
$python3 <script name>
Only the flash download scripts require the user to provide arguments besides the name of the script itself (in which case the name of the firmware image being downloaded must be provided). In all other cases the script may be executed without any arguments. Many scripts will cycle through various operational modes. In some scripts, the terminal will hold and wait for user input before proceeding to the next step. If such a prompt appears, simply press ENTER on your terminal keyboard to proceed.
There are some situations where the user may want to modify small aspects of the performance or behavior of a script. To perform these modifications, the given script can be opened in an editor by executing the following command:
$ sudo nano sample01_tpg.py
$ sudo nano <script name>
The arrowkeys can be used to navigate through a document. Upon completion of edits, use the “CTRL+X” command followed by “Y” then “ENTER” to save your changes and exit nano. For a more thorough description of the many functions of the nano consult the relevant documentation: