DLPU114A August 2024 – November 2024 DLPC8445
This command specifies which splash screen is to be displayed among the splash screen images stored in the firmware image.
The splash screen is read over the flash interface and sent down the controller image processing path once and then stored in the frame buffer. As such, all image processing settings (e.g. image crop, image orientation, display size, splash screen reference number) should be set by the user.
The availability of splash screens is limited by the available space in flash memory, and all splash screens must use landscape orientation.
The minimum splash image size allowed for flash storage is 640 in horizontal resolution and 360 in vertical resolution. The maximum size supported matches the full display resolution available on the DMD, and splash screens are typically set to the full resolution. Full resolution is useful for supporting optical test splash screens.
The user must specify how the splash image is displayed on the screen. Key commands for this are Set Image Crop and Set Display Size.
When issued to the controller this command makes splash screen as the active source being displayed. The controller then stores the specified splash screen reference number, and the controller software also reads the header information from flash for this splash screen and stores this in internal memory.
This command must be followed with a Write Execute Display command.