DLPU133A March 2024 – February 2025 DLPC964
Apps FPGA user logics can assert the DMDLOAD_REQ signal as soon as completing an Aurora block transfer as long as the signal is at least 300ns after sending the first data packet of that block. This setup time requirement is due to the 300ns transmit latency of the Aurora TX/RX channel paths, thus verifies the DLPC964 receives the DMDLOAD_REQ flag after the arrival of Aurora block data.
In most cases, this 300ns setup requirement is met naturally as a data block is large enough to verify over 300ns from the first valid data packet being sent to the last ones of a block when the Apps can assert the DMDLOAD_REQ signal. Cases of this 300ns setup window become critical is when Apps FPGA tries to send a small partial DMD block such as in Figure 4-21 showing an example of the Apps FPGA sending a total of 3 rows (Table 4-2 , ROW_LENGTH = 3) of a DMD partial block to DLPC964:
For operations that do not require the data packet, such as block clear (Table 3, LOAD_TYPE = 001) and block set (Table 3, LOAD_TYPE = 010). This DMDLOAD_REQ of 300ns setup time is still required and measured from the Block Control word packet. Figure 4-22 is an example of a block set operation.