DLPU133A March 2024 – February 2025 DLPC964
For non-critical pattern rate application, the DLPC964 supports operating with only Aurora channel 0. Only the three 10Gbps serial links for channel 0 are used and must be channel 0 in this mode of operation.
Operation is enabled by setting Block Control word field, SINGLE_CHANNEL = ‘1’ (Table 4-2 ), and transfer DMD segment in order of 3(first), 2, 1, 0(last) (DMD_SEGMENT field in Table 4-2 ). In other words, to control a particular DMD block, theApps FPGA must operate segment 3 of that block first, follow by segment 2, segment 1, and 0 being the last transfer segment.
The guidelines stated in Section, Section, and Section, still apply to single channel operation mode where each block and segment Aurora transfer must still begin with a Block Control word and end with the DMDLOAD_REQ along with the 300ns setup time. However, one major difference regarding the Apps FPGA/DLPC964 handshaking in this mode is that the actual DMD operation only triggered by the DMDLOAD_REQ corresponds to segment 0; for example, BLKLOADZ is not asserted for segment 3, 2 and 1. (See Figure 4-24 for details).
All four segments of the selected block must be operated and in order of segment 3 (first), 2, 1 and 0 (last), otherwise the DLPC964 do not carry out the proper DMD operation to that block.
Note that there is no data transfer happening on GT channel 1, 2, and 3. Only channel 0 is operated in this Single Channel mode.