LMZM33602 パワー・モジュールは、2A の降圧型 DC/DC コンバータをパワー MOSFET、シールド付きインダクタ、およびパッシブ部品とともに低プロファイルのパッケージに実装した、使いやすい集積電源ソリューションです。わずか 4 個の外付け部品で電源ソリューションを構築でき、設計においてループ補償や磁気部品の選択が不要になります。
9mm × 7mm × 4mm の 18 ピン QFN パッケージは、プリント基板に簡単にハンダ付けでき、コンパクトで薄型のポイント・オブ・ロード (POL) 設計が可能です。LMZM33602 はパワー・グッド、プログラム可能な UVLO、プリバイアス・スタートアップ、過電流および過熱保護などの完全な機能セットを備えているため、広範なアプリケーションの電源として非常に優れたデバイスです。
デバイス番号 | パッケージ | 本体サイズ (公称) |
LMZM33602 | QFN (18) | 9.00mm × 7.00mm |
Changes from Revision C (March 2018) to Revision D (August 2020)
Changes from Revision B (February 2018) to Revision C (March 2018)
Changes from Revision A (February 2018) to Revision B (February 2018)
Changes from Revision * (December 2017) to Revision A (January 2018)
NO. | NAME | ||
1 | AGND | G | Analog ground. Zero voltage reference for internal references and logic. Do not connect this pin to PGND; the connection is made internal to the device. See the Section 9 of the data sheet for a recommended layout. |
2 | EN/SYNC | I | EN - Enable input to regulator. High = On, Low = Off. Can be connected to VIN. Do not float. This pin can be used to set the input undervoltage lockout with two resistors. See Section 7.3.9. SYNC - The internal oscillator can be synchronized to an external clock via AC-coupling. See Section 7.3.5 for details. |
3 | RT | I | An external timing resistor connected between this pin and AGND adjusts the switching frequency of the device. If left open, the default switching frequency is 400 kHz. |
4 | VIN | I | Input supply voltage. Connect external input capacitors between this pin and PGND. |
5, 14, 15, 18 | PGND | G | Power ground. This is the return current path for the power stage of the device. Connect pin 5 to the input source, the load, and to the bypass capacitors associated with VIN and VOUT using power ground planes on the PCB. Pins 14 and 15 are not connected to PGND internal to the device and must be connected to PGND at pad 18. Connect pad 18 to the power ground planes using multiple vias for good thermal performance. See Section 9 of the data sheet for a recommended layout. |
6, 7, 8 | VOUT | O | Output voltage. These pins are connected to the internal output inductor. Connect these pins to the output load and connect external bypass capacitors between these pins and PGND. |
9, 10, 11 | SW | O | Switch node. Connect these pins to a small copper island under the device for thermal relief. Do not place any external component on these pins or tie them to a pin of another function. |
12, 13 | DNC | — | Do not connect. Each pin must be soldered to an isolated pad. These pins connect to internal circuitry. Do not connect these pins to one another, AGND, PGND, or any other voltage. |
16 | FB | I | Feedback input. Connect the center point of the feedback resistor divider to this pin. Connect the upper resistor (RFBT) of the feedback divider to VOUT at the desired point of regulation. Connect the lower resistor (RFBB) of the feedback divider to AGND. |
17 | PGOOD | O | Open drain output for power-good flag. Use a 10-kΩ to 100-kΩ pullup resistor to logic rail or other DC voltage no higher than 12 V. |