JAJSGJ8C November 2018 – September 2019 UCC20225-Q1 , UCC20225A-Q1
UCC20225-Q1 ファミリは シングル入力、デュアル出力で、ピーク電流がソース 4A、シンク 6A の絶縁型ゲート・ドライバであり、5mm x 5mm の LGA-13 パッケージに搭載されています。パワー・トランジスタを最大5MHzで駆動するよう設計され、クラス最高の伝搬遅延とパルス幅歪みを実現しています。
UCC20225-Q1 ファミリは、DT ピンの抵抗によりデッドタイムをプログラムできます。DIS ピンが HIGH に設定されると、両方の出力が同時にシャットダウンし、接地したときには通常動作します。
型番 | パッケージ | UVLO |
UCC20225A-Q1 | LGA (13) 5 × 5mm | 5V |
UCC20225-Q1 | LGA (13) 5 × 5mm | 8V |
このデバイスは、最大 25V の VDD 電源電圧に対応できます。VCCI 入力範囲が 3V~18V と広いため、このドライバはアナログとデジタル両方のコントローラとの接続に適しています。すべての電源電圧ピンには、低電圧誤動作防止 (UVLO) 保護機能が搭載されています。
これらの高度な機能により、UCC20225-Q1 ファミリは各種の車載用アプリケーションにおいて高い電力密度、高い効率、堅牢性を実現します。
NAME | NO. | ||
DISABLE | 5 | I | Disables both driver outputs if asserted high, enables if set low or left open. This pin is pulled low internally if left open. It is recommended to tie this pin to ground if not used to achieve better noise immunity. Bypass using a ≈1nF low ESR/ESL capacitor close to DIS pin when connecting to a micro controller with distance. |
DT | 6 | I | Programmable dead time function.
Tying DT to VCCI disables the DT function with dead time ≈ 0ns. Placing a resistor (RDT) between DT and GND adjusts dead time according to: DT (in ns) = 10 x RDT (in kΩ). It is recommended to parallel a ceramic capacitor, 2.2nF or above, close to DT pin to achieve better noise immunity when using RDT. |
GND | 1 | G | Primary-side ground reference. All signals in the primary side are referenced to this ground. |
NC | 3 | – | No internal connection. |
OUTA | 12 | O | Output of driver A. Connect to the gate of the A channel FET or IGBT. Output A is in phase with PWM input with a propagation delay |
OUTB | 9 | O | Output of driver B. Connect to the gate of the B channel FET or IGBT. Output B is always complementary to output A with a programmed dead time. |
PWM | 2 | I | PWM input has a TTL/CMOS compatible input threshold. This pin is pulled low internally if left open. |
VCCI | 4 | P | Primary-side supply voltage. Locally decoupled to GND using a low ESR/ESL capacitor located as close to the device as possible. |
VCCI | 7 | P | This pin is internally shorted to pin 4. Preference should be given to bypassing pin-4 to pin-1 instead of pin-7 to pin-1. |
VDDA | 13 | P | Secondary-side power for driver A. Locally decoupled to VSSA using a low ESR/ESL capacitor located as close to the device as possible. |
VDDB | 10 | P | Secondary-side power for driver B. Locally decoupled to VSSB using a low ESR/ESL capacitor located as close to the device as possible. |
VSSA | 11 | G | Ground for secondary-side driver A. Ground reference for secondary side A channel. |
VSSB | 8 | G | Ground for secondary-side driver B. Ground reference for secondary side B channel. |