JAJSOA3B February 2023 – June 2024 TPS25948
Applications which need higher steady current can use 2 or more TPS25948x devices connected in parallel as shown in Figure 8-19. In this configuration, the first device turns on initially to provide the inrush current limiting. The second device is held in an OFF state by driving its EN/UVLO pin low using the SPLYGD signal of the first device. Once the inrush sequence is complete, the first device asserts its SPLYGD pin high and turns on the second device. The second device asserts its SPLYGD signal to indicate when it has turned on fully, thereby indicating to the system that the parallel combination is ready to deliver the full steady state current.
Once in steady state, both devices share current nearly equally. There could be a slight skew in the currents depending on the part-to-part variation in the RON as well as the PCB trace resistance mismatch.
The following waveforms illustrate the behavior of parallel configuration during start-up as well as during steady state.