This application report describes how to communicate with the ADS7142 using the TM4C1294NCPDT as the host device. The communication is performed via inter-integrated circuit (I2C) protocol and the ADS7142 is enabled to operate in each of its functional modes. The accompanying software contains a function library allowing quick prototyping of ADS7142 setup and control. This framework is designed with the intention of minimal function modification required to operate the ADS7142 as a sensor monitor. The functional modes of the ADS7142 include manual mode, autonomous mode, and high precision mode. Additional features of the ADS7142 include sampling speed control, oscillator selection, and selection of input channel type (single-ended or pseudo-differential).
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Sensor monitoring technology is an integral piece of systems that seek to gather copious amounts of data and process that data in a meaningful way. Because of the differences in sensor monitoring techniques, the system designer must choose the best sensor monitor for a given application. In this application report the ADS7142 SAR ADC is paired with a TM4C1294NCPDT microcontroller (MCU) to provide accurate sampling data after the device is configured to operate in one of its functional modes.