SBAA408A October   2019  – September 2024 ADS1015 , ADS1115 , TLA2024


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Input Measurement ADC Input Digital Output ADS1115
PGA[2:0] = 000, FSR = ±6.144V 0V to 5V 0 to 26667
0000h to 682Bh
Power Supplies
5V 0V

Design Description

Many applications require a large array of measurements using a minimal amount of space. This circuit describes a 16-channel measurement system using four ultra-small ADS1115 devices with an I2C interface. These devices have an accurate internal voltage reference, and can be programmed for multiple input ranges as 15-bit single-ended analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). The ADCs in the system are highly configurable for different data rates and voltage ranges and can even be used for alert functions. Additionally, inputs can be configured in pairs to make an 8-channel measurement system with differential input measurements. The ADS1115 device is available in an ultra-small 1.5mm × 2.0mm X2QFN package that takes up very little space on a board. This circuit can be used in applications such as analog input modules for PLCs, power management on server boards, and a variety of generic measurements.

Design Notes

  1. The ADS1115 device has a differential ADC, but this system uses the device with single-ended inputs. In this system, the ADC positive AINP input is connected to the analog input, while the negative AINN input is internally connected to ground.
  2. The operating range of the ADC analog inputs is between ground and VDD, even with the full-scale range (FSR) set to voltages larger than the VDD. For example, with the FSR set to ±6.144V and VDD set to 5V, all analog inputs are limited from 0V to 5V. An FSR larger than the supply prevents over-ranging the ADC for any measurement within the operating range.
  3. With the internal reference, the ADS1115 ADC can conveniently measure its own supply using the internal reference without the need of a voltage divider.
  4. Use supply decoupling capacitors for the power supplies. VDD must be decoupled with at least a 0.1-μF capacitor to GND. See the ADS111x Ultra-Small, Low-Power, I2C-Compatible, 860-SPS, 16-Bit ADCs With Internal Reference, Oscillator, and Programmable Comparator data sheet for details on power-supply recommendations.
  5. When possible, use C0G (NPO) ceramic capacitors for input filtering. The dielectric used in these capacitors provides the most stable electrical properties over voltage, frequency, and temperature changes. Because of size, this is not always practical and X7R capacitors are the next best alternative.
  6. The ADDR pin connected to SCK sets the I2C address of the device to 1001011. When this device is used, the SDA must be held low for at least 100ns after the SCL line goes low to confirm that the device decodes the address correctly. The schematic shows a delay buffer connecting the SCL line to ADDR for this reason.
  7. If lower resolution is acceptable, set up the ADS1015 ADC or the TLA2024 ADC in a similar system. These 12-bit ADCs allow for a faster data rate at lower cost.
  8. The ADS1115 device uses an I2C interface. Use the ADS1118 ADC has similar functions if an SPI interface is required. Additionally, substitute the ADS1018 ADC if an ADC with less resolution can be used. See the Precision measurement circuit with 8 differential channels and SPI circuit guide for more details.
  9. Construct this measurement system with 8 differential channels instead of 16 single-ended channels, or with different combinations of differential and single-ended channels. This system is also scalable with fewer devices and channels.
  10. The ADS1115 ADC is used in single-shot conversion mode. In this mode of operation, devices are enabled for each conversion and then powered down. The total power of using all four devices individually is the same as using a single device in continuous conversion.

Configuring the Device

  1. Set the I2C address for each ADS1115 device.

    This circuit uses four ADS1115 ADCs multiplexed to measure sixteen different channels. To do this, the four devices must use different I2C addresses, set by connections to the ADDR pin of each device. The ADDR pin connects to the one of four nodes to respond to a different slave address as shown in the following table.

    ADDR Pin Connection Slave Address
    GND 1001000
    VDD 1001001
    SDA 1001010
    SCL 1001011
  2. Use the multiplexer to cycle through each analog input.

    The ADS1115 device has a multiplexer for measuring multiple channels. In this design, the system cycles through each of the analog inputs of each device. While differential measurements are available, this system is shown by cycling through all of the analog inputs to make single-ended measurements with respect to the GND node.

    Devices are configured through the configuration register shown in the following table. Within the configuration register, the MUX[2:0] selects the AINP and AINN nodes for the ADC and sets the input channel for each device. The settings in the table show settings for single-ended measurements. As the ADS111x Ultra-Small, Low-Power, I2C-Compatible, 860-SPS, 16-Bit ADCs With Internal Reference, Oscillator, and Programmable Comparator data sheet shows, differential measurements can be made with settings MUX[2:0] = 000 to 011.

    Input Measurement ADC Input Device Input Selection
    Channel 1 MUX[2:0] = 100 AINP = AIN0 and AINN = GND
    Channel 2 MUX[2:0] = 101 AINP = AIN1 and AINN = GND
    Channel 3 MUX[2:0] = 110 AINP = AIN2 and AINN = GND
    Channel 4 MUX[2:0] = 111 AINP = AIN3 and AINN = GND

    After cycling through all four channels of the device, the system selects the next device and repeats the cycle.

  3. Identify the range of operation for each analog input measurement.

    The ADS1115 ADC has an internal reference for accurate measurements and a scalable gain for the measurement. In this circuit document, measurements shown are all single-ended with the negative analog input attached to ground. Because the ADS1115 device is a 16-bit ADC as a differential measurement, a single-ended measurement has only 15-bits of resolution.

    The ADC can be set to one of 6 settings for the FSR (full-scale range). This is the equivalent to having a programmable gain amplifier on the front end of the ADC. The FSR[2:0] bits of the configuration register have settings from ±0.256V up to ±6.144V. When used in a single-ended measurement, the input ranges from 0V to 0.256V up to 0V to the positive FSR value. As mentioned previously, the operating range of the ADC analog inputs is between ground and VDD, even with the FSR set to voltages larger than the VDD. For example, with the FSR set to ±6.144V and VDD set to 5V, the analog inputs are limited to 0 to 5V.

    The FSR settings allow for a variety of different measurements from small voltage measurements such as temperature sensors or current shunt resistors, to larger voltage measurements ADC measuring its own supply without the need for a voltage divider.

    The settings for the ADS1115 FSR are shown in the following table.

  4. Set the data rate.

    The ADS1115 device can be configured to one of eight data rates, based on the internal oscillator of the device. This data rate has a tolerance of ±10%. The data rate is set by the DR[2:0] bits shown in the following table.

    Data Rate Setting Data Rate
    DR[2:0] = 000 8SPS
    DR[2:0] = 001 16SPS
    DR[2:0] = 010 32SPS
    DR[2:0] = 011 64SPS
    DR[2:0] = 100 128SPS
    DR[2:0] = 101 250SPS
    DR[2:0] = 110 475SPS
    DR[2:0] = 111 860SPS

    The data rate is selected to be 128SPS, which is the default setting of the ADS1115 device. This data rate is the fastest available that gives a noise performance better than one LSB for all FSR settings.

Configuration Register Settings

The configuration register sets the mode of operation and configuration of the ADC. Configurations include all of the settings described in the previous sections. Nine fields across 16 bits are used to configure the device. Configuration register field descriptions are shown with bit names and positions, read and write usage, and reset values in the following table.

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
OS MUX[2:0] PGA[2:0] MODE
R/W-1h R/W-0h R/W-2h R/W-1h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-4h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-3h

OS sets the operational status and starts a single conversion. The MUX[2:0] bits set the input multiplexer to cycle through different measurements. The MODE bit sets the device to single-shot conversion mode. The DR[2:0] bits set the data rate of the device. The remaining fields are used for the ADC comparator settings which are not used in this design. See the ADS111x Ultra-Small, Low-Power, I2C-Compatible, 860-SPS, 16-Bit ADCs With Internal Reference, Oscillator, and Programmable Comparator data sheet for details on the configuration register.

As an example, one ADC is set to measure its own supply to ground, using AIN0 connected to VDD. The FSR is set to ±6.144V, with a data rate of 128SPS. The settings for the configuration register fields are shown in the following table.

Bit Field Setting Description
15 OS 1 Start conversion
14:12 MUX[2:0] 100 Single-ended input measurement, AINP-AINN = AIN0-GND, selection of the first channel
11:9 PGA[2:0] 000 FSR = ±6.144V, sets the ADC to be able to measure the full supply range of 0V to VDD
9 MODE 1 Operation in single-shot conversion mode
7:5 DR[2:0] 100 Data rate = 128SPS
4 COMP_MODE 0 Traditional comparator
3 COMP_POL 0 Active low
2 COMP_LAT 0 Non-latching comparator
1:0 COMP_QUE[1:0] 11 Comparator is disabled

Combining these bits from the field descriptions, the configuration register values are 1100 0001 1000 0011 or C183h.

Channel Cycling

To cycle through each channel of the system, start each conversion, wait for the conversion to complete, and then read back the data. Then start the conversion for the next channel. Repeat each measurement for the four single-ended input channels, before moving on to the next ADC. Repeating this sequence for all four ADCs in the system cycles through all channels.

A write to the configuration register starts the conversion and configures the ADC for the proper mode of operation. The communication starts with a write to the I2C slave address of the device. The I2C write is followed by three bytes. The first byte is 01h to indicate the configuration register. The next two bytes are the data written to the configuration register.

A write to device configuration register starts with a write to the selected I2C address (1001000). The next byte is the address pointer which indicates the configuration register of 01h. The write is completed with the two bytes of data to be written to the configuration register. The complete communication of four bytes is shown in the following table.

I2C Address:
1001000 Write
Address Pointer:
Configuration Register
Configuration MSB: Start Conversion, Set Input, FSR, Single-Shot Mode Configuration LSB: 128SPS,
Comparator Disabled
1001 0000 0000 0001 1100 0001 1000 0011

The master then waits for the conversion to complete. For this example, the ADS1115 device is set to the default data rate of 128SPS. Because the device uses an internal oscillator, there is some variation in the data rate. To verify that the device is read after the ADC completes a conversion, the microcontroller waits for the maximum time required for the conversion to complete. This wait time is the nominal data period plus 10% (to compensate for the internal oscillator variation of the device). An additional 20µs is added for the wake up time of the ADC for each single-shot conversion. The total wait time is calculated in the following equation.

Wait time = nominal data period + 10% + 20µs

As an example, if the device is run at 128SPS, the nominal data period is 7.82ms. The necessary wait time is:

Wait time = (7.82ms × 1.1) + 20µs = 8.62ms

A read from the device starts with a write to the register pointer for the conversion register (00h) and then another read of two bytes from the same I2C address. The complete communication of five bytes is shown in the following table.

I2C Address:
1001000 Write
Address Pointer:
Configuration Register
I2C Address:
1001000 Read
Read Conversion Data MSB Read Conversion Data LSB
1001 0000 0000 0000 1001 0001 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx

Measurement Conversion

Conversions for the input voltage are based on the full-scale range (FSR) setting of the ADC. The FSR is set by the PGA[2:0] bits in the configuration register.

Output Code = 215 × [VAINx ÷ (positive FSR)]
Input Voltage = VAINx = (Output Code) × (positive FSR) ÷ (215)

Even though the ADC is being used for a single-ended measurement, the ADS1115 device is a differential ADC. If the ADC has a negative offset, and the ADC measures a 0V on the input channel, then the ADC reports a negative number. Negative readings are reported in two's complement notation. For example, –1 in decimal is reported as FFFFh in the conversion register.

As previously mentioned, the 16-bit ADS1115 device is replaced by the 12-bit ADS1015 ADC or the TLA2024 ADC. For these devices, the data format is 12 bits with four bits zero padded on the right. A full scale reading is 7FFh and is read from the conversion register as 7FF0h.

Pseudo Code Example

The following shows a pseudo-code sequence with the required steps to set up conversions from each channel of the four devices and collect the data after each conversion. It also includes the setup for the microcontroller that interfaces to the ADC.

For each channel, the microcontroller simultaneously sets up the ADC configuration and starts the conversion. The microcontroller waits for conversion to complete, waiting enough time for the conversion and any variation in the internal oscillator frequency. Then the data is read from the conversion register. The cycle continues through each channel of each device. The setup assumes the previous configuration with the data rate set to 128SPS for the wait time for the conversion.

Configure microcontroller for I2C mode
  Conversions from four channels of device 1:
    Write I2C addr 1001000, send 0x01 0xC1 0x83; // start conversion for device 1, AIN0-GND
    Wait 8.62ms
    Write I2C addr 1001000, send 0x00, read I2C addr 1001000, read two bytes; // Read conversion
    Write I2C addr 1001000, send 0x01 0xD1 0x83; // start conversion for device 1, AIN1-GND
    Wait 8.62ms
    Write I2C addr 1001000, send 0x00, read I2C addr 1001000, read two bytes; // Read conversion
    Write I2C addr 1001000, send 0x01 0xE1 0x83; // start conversion for device 1, AIN2-GND
    Wait 8.62ms
    Write I2C addr 1001000, send 0x00, read I2C addr 1001000, read two bytes; // Read conversion 
    Write I2C addr 1001000, send 0x01 0xF1 0x83; // start conversion for device 1, AIN3-GND
    Wait 8.62ms
    Write I2C addr 1001000, send 0x00, read I2C addr 1001000, read two bytes; // Read conversion
  Conversions from four channels of device 2:
    Write I2C addr 1001001, send 0x01 0xC1 0x83; // start conversion for device 2, AIN0-GND
    Wait 8.62ms
    Write I2C addr 1001001, send 0x00, read I2C addr 1001001, read two bytes; // Read conversion
    Write I2C addr 1001001, send 0x01 0xD1 0x83; // start conversion for device 2, AIN1-GND
    Wait 8.62ms
    Write I2C addr 1001001, send 0x00, read I2C addr 1001001, read two bytes; // Read conversion
    Write I2C addr 1001001, send 0x01 0xE1 0x83; //  start conversion for device 2, AIN2-GND
    Wait 8.62ms
    Write I2C addr 1001001, send 0x00, read I2C addr 1001001, read two bytes; // Read conversion 
    Write I2C addr 1001001, send 0x01 0xF1 0x83; // start conversion for device 2, AIN3-GND
    Wait 8.62ms
    Write I2C addr 1001001, send 0x00, read I2C addr 1001001, read two bytes; // Read conversion
  Conversions from four channels of device 3:
    Write I2C addr 1001010, send 0x01 0xC1 0x83; // start conversion for device 3, AIN0-GND
    Wait 8.62ms
    Write I2C addr 1001010, send 0x00, read I2C addr 1001010, read two bytes; // Read conversion
    Write I2C addr 1001010, send 0x01 0xD1 0x83; // start conversion for device 3, AIN1-GND
    Wait 8.62ms
    Write I2C addr 1001010, send 0x00, read I2C addr 1001010, read two bytes; // Read conversion
    Write I2C addr 1001010, send 0x01 0xE1 0x83; // start conversion for device 3, AIN2-GND
    Wait 8.62ms
    Write I2C addr 1001010, send 0x00, read I2C addr 1001010, read two bytes; // Read conversion 
    Write I2C addr 1001010, send 0x01 0xF1 0x83; // start conversion for device 3, AIN3-GND
    Wait 8.62ms
    Write I2C addr 1001010, send 0x00, read I2C addr 1001010, read two bytes; // Read conversion
  Conversions from four channels of device 4:
    Write I2C addr 1001011, send 0x01 0xC1 0x83; // start conversion for device 4, AIN0-GND
    Wait 8.62ms
    Write I2C addr 1001011, send 0x00, read I2C addr 1001011, read two bytes; // Read conversion
    Write I2C addr 1001011, send 0x01 0xD1 0x83; // start conversion for device 4, AIN1-GND
    Wait 8.62ms
    Write I2C addr 1001011, send 0x00, read I2C addr 1001011, read two bytes; // Read conversion
    Write I2C addr 1001011, send 0x01 0xE1 0x83; // start conversion for device 4, AIN2-GND
    Wait 8.62ms
    Write I2C addr 1001011, send 0x00, read I2C addr 1001011, read two bytes; // Read conversion 
    Write I2C addr 1001011, send 0x01 0xF1 0x83; // start conversion for device 4, AIN3-GND
    Wait 8.62ms
    Write I2C addr 1001011, send 0x00, read I2C addr 1001011, read two bytes; // Read conversion  

I2C Transactions

The device starts conversions with a write to the configuration register. This requires a four-byte transaction. Byte 1 is the address write, followed by a byte for the configuration register pointer, and two bytes of configuration data.

When the device reads the conversion, a five-byte transaction is required. Byte 1 is the address write to the device followed by the conversion register pointer in byte 2. Byte 3 is the address read from the conversion register followed by two bytes of ADC data.

Device Input Channel Command Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5
Device 1 Channel 1
Start conversion 1001 0000
(I2C address, write)
0000 0001
(Pointer to configuration reg.)
1100 0001
(Configuration reg. MSB)
1000 0011
(Configuration reg. LSB)
Read conversion 1001 0000
(I2C address, write)
0000 0000
(Pointer to conversion reg.)
1001 0001
(I2C address, read)
<Data MSB> <Data LSB>
Channel 2
Start conversion 1001 0000
(I2C address, write)
0000 0001
(Pointer to configuration reg.)
1101 0001
(Configuration reg. MSB)
1000 0011
(Configuration reg. LSB)
Read conversion 1001 0000
(I2C address, write)
0000 0000
(Pointer to conversion reg.)
1001 0001
(I2C address, read)
<Data MSB> <Data LSB>
Channel 3
Start conversion 1001 0000
(I2C address, write)
0000 0001
(Pointer to configuration reg.)
1110 0001
(Configuration reg. MSB)
1000 0011
(Configuration reg. LSB)
Read conversion 1001 0000
(I2C address, write)
0000 0000
(Pointer to conversion reg.)
1001 0001
(I2C address, read)
<Data MSB> <Data LSB>
Channel 4
Start conversion 1001 0000
(I2C address, write)
0000 0001
(Pointer to configuration reg.)
1111 0001
(Configuration reg. MSB)
1000 0011
(Configuration reg. LSB)
Read conversion 1001 0000
(I2C address, write)
0000 0000
(Pointer to conversion reg.)
1001 0001
(I2C address, read)
<Data MSB> <Data LSB>
Device 2 Channel 5
Start conversion 1001 0010
(I2C address, write)
0000 0001
(Pointer to configuration reg.)
1100 0001
(Configuration reg. MSB)
1000 0011
(Configuration reg. LSB)
Read conversion 1001 0010
(I2C address, write)
0000 0000
(Pointer to conversion reg.)
1001 0011
(I2C address, read)
<Data MSB> <Data LSB>
Channel 6
Start conversion 1001 0010
(I2C address, write)
0000 0001
(Pointer to configuration reg.)
1101 0001
(Configuration reg. MSB)
1000 0011
(Configuration reg. LSB)
Read conversion 1001 0010
(I2C address, write)
0000 0000
(Pointer to conversion reg.)
1001 0011
(I2C address, read)
<Data MSB> <Data LSB>
Channel 7
Start conversion 1001 0010
(I2C address, write)
0000 0001
(Pointer to configuration reg.)
1110 0001
(Configuration reg. MSB)
1000 0011
(Configuration reg. LSB)
Read conversion 1001 0010
(I2C address, write)
0000 0000
(Pointer to conversion reg.)
1001 0011
(I2C address, read)
<Data MSB> <Data LSB>
Channel 8
Start conversion 1001 0010
(I2C address, write)
0000 0001
(Pointer to configuration reg.)
1111 0001
(Configuration reg. MSB)
1000 0011
(Configuration reg. LSB)
Read conversion 1001 0010
(I2C address, write)
0000 0000
(Pointer to conversion reg.)
1001 0011
(I2C address, read)
<Data MSB> <Data LSB>
Device 3 Channel 9
Start conversion 1001 0100
(I2C address, write)
0000 0001
(Pointer to configuration reg.)
1100 0001
(Configuration reg. MSB)
1000 0011
(Configuration reg. LSB)
Read conversion 1001 0100
(I2C address, write)
0000 0000
(Pointer to conversion reg.)
1001 0101
(I2C address, read)
<Data MSB> <Data LSB>
Channel 10
Start conversion 1001 0100
(I2C address, write)
0000 0001
(Pointer to configuration reg.)
1101 0001
(Configuration reg. MSB)
1000 0011
(Configuration reg. LSB)
Read conversion 1001 0100
(I2C address, write)
0000 0000
(Pointer to conversion reg.)
1001 0101
(I2C address, read)
<Data MSB> <Data LSB>
Channel 11
Start conversion 1001 0100
(I2C address, write)
0000 0001
(Pointer to configuration reg.)
1110 0001
(Configuration reg. MSB)
1000 0011
(Configuration reg. LSB)
Read conversion 1001 0100
(I2C address, write)
0000 0000
(Pointer to conversion reg.)
1001 0101
(I2C address, read)
<Data MSB> <Data LSB>
Channel 12
Start conversion 1001 0100
(I2C address, write)
0000 0001
(Pointer to configuration reg.)
1111 0001
(Configuration reg. MSB)
1000 0011
(Configuration reg. LSB)
Read conversion 1001 0100
(I2C address, write)
0000 0000
(Pointer to conversion reg.)
1001 0101
(I2C address, read)
<Data MSB> <Data LSB>
Device 4 Channel 13
Start conversion 1001 0110
(I2C address, write)
0000 0001
(Pointer to configuration reg.)
1100 0001
(Configuration reg. MSB)
1000 0011
(Configuration reg. LSB)
Read conversion 1001 0110
(I2C address, write)
0000 0000
(Pointer to conversion reg.)
1001 0111
(I2C address, read)
<Data MSB> <Data LSB>
Channel 14
Start conversion 1001 0110
(I2C address, write)
0000 0001
(Pointer to configuration reg.)
1101 0001
(Configuration reg. MSB)
1000 0011
(Configuration reg. LSB)
Read conversion 1001 0110
(I2C address, write)
0000 0000
(Pointer to conversion reg.)
1001 0111
(I2C address, read)
<Data MSB> <Data LSB>
Channel 15
Start conversion 1001 0110
(I2C address, write)
0000 0001
(Pointer to configuration reg.)
1110 0001
(Configuration reg. MSB)
1000 0011
(Configuration reg. LSB)
Read conversion 1001 0110
(I2C address, write)
0000 0000
(Pointer to conversion reg.)
1001 0111
(I2C address, read)
<Data MSB> <Data LSB>
Channel 16
Start conversion 1001 0110
(I2C address, write)
0000 0001
(Pointer to configuration reg.)
1111 0001
(Configuration reg. MSB)
1000 0011
(Configuration reg. LSB)
Read conversion 1001 0110
(I2C address, write)
0000 0000
(Pointer to conversion reg.)
1001 0111
(I2C address, read)
<Data MSB> <Data LSB>

Layout Example

The following shows an example layout of one of the four ADS1115 devices. RC input filtering is added using 0402 resistors and capacitors. The resulting layout is about 260 mils by 340 mils. This measurement does not include the I2C pullup resistors or the ALERT/RDY pullup resistor. A single set of these resistors are required for each system.

 Example Layout Example Layout

Design Featured Devices

Device Key Features Link Other Possible Devices
ADS1115 ADS111x ultra-small, low-power, I2C-compatible, 860-SPS, 16-bit ADCs with internal reference, oscillator, and programmable comparator 16-bit, 860-SPS, 4-channel, delta-sigma ADC with PGA, oscillator, VREF, comparator and I2C Precision ADCs