SBAU362 March   2021 ADS1015 , ADS1115


  1.   Trademarks
  2. 1Introduction
  3. 2Quick Start
    1. 2.1 Step 1 - Hardware Setup
    2. 2.2 Step 2 - USB Connection and GUI Startup
    3. 2.3 Step 3 - Configuration and Data Collection
  4. 3ADS1x15EVM Overview
    1. 3.1 ADS1x15EVM-to-PAMBoard Interface
    2. 3.2 Digital Interface
    3. 3.3 Analog Input Connections
    4. 3.4 Power-Supply Options
  5. 4ADS1x15V2EVM-PDK Setup and Operation
    1. 4.1 EVM Plug-In Instructions
    2. 4.2 ADS1x15EVM GUI and TI Cloud Agent Installation
  6. 5ADS1x15V2EVM-PDK GUI
    1. 5.1 Menu Bar
      1. 5.1.1 File Menu
      2. 5.1.2 Options Menu
      3. 5.1.3 Tools Menu
      4. 5.1.4 Help Menu
    2. 5.2 Navigation Bar
      1. 5.2.1 Home
      2. 5.2.2 Chart
        1. Channel Statistics
          1. Time Domain and Histogram Statistics
          2. FFT Statistics
        2. Time Domain Plot
        3. Histogram Plot
        4. FFT Plot
        5. Capture Configuration Settings
      3. 5.2.3 Configuration
        1. Register Read and Write Options
          1. Read Register Options
          2. Write Register Options
    3. 5.3 Connection Status
  7. 6Bill of Materials, Printed Circuit Board Layout, and Schematics
    1. 6.1 Bill of Materials
    2. 6.2 Printed Circuit Board Layout
    3. 6.3 Schematics

Help Menu

The Help drop-down menu (shown in Figure 5-11) displays the following:

  • E2E Support Forum provides a link to the E2E forum for asking questions or searching the E2E forum.
  • View displays pertinent startup information not necessarily included in this guide.
  • About displays specific information regarding the GUI and EVM hardware.
GUID-20210315-CA0I-HX6T-ZQGD-LH6J1S79PKV1-low.gifFigure 5-11 Help Menu

As shown in Figure 5-12, information specific to the GUI build and the connected hardware is found by selecting About from the drop-down Help menu.

GUID-20210315-CA0I-Z4ZP-QVFQ-HKD1XPW9WGZN-low.gifFigure 5-12 Help Information (About)