The following section provides a
step-by-step walkthrough of the reference design setup from a bring-up perspective,
along with relevant screenshots of the process throughout.
- First, power on the Agilex eSOM7 TI
Carrier and then power on the TI AFE7769DEVM.
- Open Teraterm, click on "Serial", and
click "OK".
- Click on Setup > Serial port, see
Figure 4-1.
- A new window will appear. Select the
COM port that the eSOM7 is connected to (not COM1). Change the speed to 115200 and
click "Close and New open", see Figure 4-2.
- You should now see "agilex login:",
if you do not see any text, hit enter and "agilex login" will appear.
- Type root and hit enter to
- Get the IP address of the Arm node
using the ifconfig command. If you do not see an "inet4" IP address under the
eth0 interface, use the command ifconfig eth0 netmask to assign the IP address to the eth0 interface,
see Figure 4-3.
- On PowerShell, move your directory to
the Hitek RF INTF release archive using the cd < Hitek RF INTF release archive
path> command. In our setup, the command was cd
- Copy the
software/arm_ag_/tools folder from the
AG_eSOM_AFE77XX_RF_INTF_DEMO_Release_v3_3_2023-04-25 folder to the Arm
node with the folder name as jesd_tools using the command scp -r
software/arm_ag/tools/ root@
- Start the TI AFE77xxD Latte GUI
software and in the first dialog window titled "Latte Mode", make sure that
FPGA_Type is set to "None" and the "AFE EVM Card Detected" message appears. The
message "Couldn't Detect FPGA Reset FTDI. Reset FPGA manually." is expected. Then
press "Continue" button to open the main Latte GUI. For proper navigation to Latte
mode window, see Figure 4-4.
- After the
Latte software goes through its initialization steps, go to the AFE77xxD Params tab
by clicking on AFE77xxD-Params on the left panel of the software window. Figure 4-5 shows how to navigate to the respective tab on the software panel.
- In the "Load System Parameters" box,
click the "Browse" to search for the AFE77xxD_Config.json config file provided in
and open it. For a view of the "AFE77xxD-Params" display and how to load the file,
see Figure 4-6 and Figure 4-7, respectively.
- After selecting the configuration
file, please click the "LOAD" button to load the configuration into the GUI. The GUI
should change to the required configuration to be able to perform JESD link up with
the JESD IP in the Agilex FPGA.
- Open Quartus Prime Programmer and
click the "Auto Detect" button. For navigation to the respective function, see Figure 4-8. If this is the first time the eSOM7 is connected to the PC and the "Auto Detect"
button is grayed out, click on the "Hardware Setup..." button, select the "HTK
USBII" in the drop down next to "Currently selected hardware" and check that the
"Hardware frequency" is set to 24000000Hz.
- After
clicking "Auto Detect", a window will appear; select the AGFB027R24CR2 option and
click "OK". Figure 4-9 shows the typical view when selecting a device.
- Select the only row under "File" and
then click on “Change File”. Select the FPGA image called
ag_esom_top_afe77xx_jesd204c_4t4r2f_fpga_first_hps_auto.sof that is
provided in the directory
where "XX" should match the "ASY-XX-00047" label on the eSOM7 board. There is an
extra copy of these files in a compressed .tar.gz folder. Figure 4-10 shows how to navigate to the proper functions.
- Next, check the box under
"Program/Configure", see Figure 4-11.
- On the AFE77xxD GUI, the “Device
Bringup” button at the bottom of the AFE77xxD-Params page should be clicked to start
the configuration of the LMK04828 and AFE7769D chips. Figure 4-12 shows how to navigate to the respective button.
- Once the “LMK Configured” message
appears in the TI AFE77xxD Latte software log window indicating completion of the
LMK04828 chip configuration, program the Agilex FPGA image by clicking the “Start”
button on Quartus Prime Programmer. Figure 4-13 and Figure 4-14 show a visual reference of the steps to program the device.
- Wait for
Linux bootup of the Arm node to show up on the Teraterm console and login with the
root username. Then, use the command source
jesd_tools/ to execute the script in the jesd_tools
folder, and run the script on
the Arm node. Do not hit enter yet. Figure 4-15 shows an example block of code.
- Wait until the AFE7769D configuration
completes in the TI AFE77xxD Latte software where it should report successful
JESD204C link up on the AFE7769D chip in the log window (note that the 2 errors
related to FPGA reset failure are expected). Figure 4-16 shows the log window displaying that the device was able to get the link up for
the device's JESD RX.
- After the
AFE7769D configuration is complete in the TI AFE77xxD Latte software press enter on
the Arm node (Teraterm) to recalibrate the FPGA XCVRs (Rx only) to complete the
JESD204C link up on FPGA. Figure 4-17 shows the link status report in the FPGA.
- Run the ifconfig command to
see the IP address for the eth0 interface. Figure 4-18 shows an example block of code.
- To be able to output signals from the
TX RF ports and input signals from the RX and FB RF ports, the "Channel TDD" needs
to be set for the required channels under test. This is done by going to the
"RXFB-Test" page in the AFE77xxD GUI by clicking on "RXFB-Test" on the left side of
the software window. In the "Channel TDD" box on this page, click on the red dots to
make them green, and finally click the "Set Tdd" button; see Figure 4-20.
Note that when testing the
FB channels, the TDD for the RX channels should not be set (such that, the dots
for the RX channels are not green), see Figure 4-21.