SBOK061 October   2022 SN54SLC8T245-SEP


  1.   SN54SLC8T245-SEP Single-Event Effects (SEE)
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Overview
  4. 2SEE Mechanisms
  5. 3Test Device and Test Board Information
  6. 4Irradiation Facility and Setup
  7. 5Results
    1. 5.1 Single Event Latchup (SEL) Results
    2. 5.2 Single Event Transient (SET) Results
    3. 5.3 Event Rate Calculations
  8. 6Summary
  9.   A References

SN54SLC8T245-SEP Single-Event Effects (SEE)

The purpose of this study is to characterize the effects of heavy-ion irradiation on the single-event latch-up (SEL) and single-event transient (SET) performance of the SN54SLC8T245-SEP, 8-bit dual-supply bus transceiver. Heavy-ions with an LETEFF of 43 MeV-cm2/mg were used to irradiate the devices with a fluence of 1 × 107 ions/cm2 for SEL and 1 × 106 ions/cm2 for SET. The results demonstrate that the SN54SLC8T245-SEP is SEL-free up to LETEFF = 43 MeV-cm2/mg at 125°C. SET characterization is presented and discussed for a variety of different operating conditions.