SCDA050 July 2024 TMUX9832 , TX7516
The TMUX9832 is available in 7.5mm x 7.5mm BGA and 10mm × 10mm QFN packages. Figure 4-1 shows part of a reference layout, where two TX7516 transmitters and four TMUX9832 switches are used to implement a 128-CH ultrasound system in the interwoven input style. In routing, care was taken to provide adequate spacing between each trace to minimize crosstalk to less than -50dB , as receivers typically only need around -50dB for good image quality. The 16-layer stackup was designed such that each signal has an adjacent ground plane for return currents. Ground vias are placed where signals change reference planes to mitigate EMI. Connections from the transmitter are routed in a star configuration with a via near the beginning of the trace.
A full PCB layout file of the above reference layout is available upon request. Please contact your TI representative to request and receive.