SFFS663 september 2023 LMQ64480-Q1 , LMQ644A0-Q1 , LMQ644A2-Q1
This document contains information for LMQ644xx-Q1 (WQFN package) to aid in a functional safety system design. Information provided are:
Figure 1-1 shows the device functional block diagram for reference.
LMQ644xx-Q1 were developed using a quality-managed development process, but were not developed in accordance with the IEC 61508 or ISO 26262 standards.
This section provides Functional Safety Failure In Time (FIT) rates for LMQ644xx-Q1 based on two different industry-wide used reliability standards:
FIT IEC TR 62380 / ISO 26262 | FIT (Failures Per 109 Hours) |
Total Component FIT Rate | 17 |
Die FIT Rate | 4 |
Package FIT Rate | 13 |
The failure rate and mission profile information in Table 2-1 comes from the Reliability data handbook IEC TR 62380 / ISO 26262 part 11:
Table | Category | Reference FIT Rate | Reference Virtual TJ |
5 | CMOS/BICMOS ASICs Analog & Mixed = < 50-V supply | 25 | 55°C |
The Reference FIT Rate and Reference Virtual TJ (junction temperature) in Table 2-2 come from the Siemens Norm SN 29500-2 tables 1 through 5. Failure rates under operating conditions are calculated from the reference failure rate and virtual junction temperature using conversion information in SN 29500-2 section 4.
The failure mode distribution estimation for LMQ644xx-Q1 in Table 3-1 comes from the combination of common failure modes listed in standards such as IEC 61508 and ISO 26262, the ratio of sub-circuit function size and complexity and from best engineering judgment.
The failure modes listed in this section reflect random failure events and do not include failures due to misuse or overstress.
Die Failure Modes | Failure Mode Distribution (%) |
SW No output | 50% |
SW output not in specification - voltage or timing | 40% |
SW power FET stuck on | 5% |
PGOOD false trip, fails to trip | 5% |
The FMD in Table 3-1 excludes short circuit faults across the isolation barrier. Faults for short circuit across the isolation barrier can be excluded according to ISO 61800-5-2:2016 if the following requirements are fulfilled:
Creepage and clearance requirements should be applied according to the specific equipment isolation standards of an application. Care should be taken to maintain the creepage and clearance distance of a board design to ensure that the mounting pads of the isolator on the printed-circuit board do not reduce this distance.
This section provides a Failure Mode Analysis (FMA) for the pins of the LMQ644xx-Q1. The failure modes covered in this document include the typical pin-by-pin failure scenarios:
Table 4-2 through Table 4-5 also indicate how these pin conditions can affect the device as per the failure effects classification in Table 4-1.
Class | Failure Effects |
A | Potential device damage that affects functionality |
B | No device damage, but loss of functionality |
C | No device damage, but performance degradation |
D | No device damage, no impact to functionality or performance |
Figure 4-1, Figure 4-2, and Figure 4-3 show the LMQ644xx-Q1 pin diagrams. For a detailed description of the device pins please refer to the Pin Configuration and Functions section in the LMQ644xx-Q1 data sheet.
Following are the assumptions of use and the device configuration assumed for the pin FMA in this section:
Pin Name | Pin No | Description of Potential Failure Effect(s) | Failure Effect Class |
VIN2 | 1 | VOUT = 0 V | B |
CB2 | 2 | VOUT = 0 V | B |
SW2 | 3 | Potential Damage to HS FET | A |
PGND3 | 4 | Normal Operation | D |
SW1 | 5 | Potential Damage to HS FET | A |
CB1 | 6 | VOUT = 0 V | B |
VIN1 | 7 | VOUT = 0 V | B |
SERIES_CAP1 | 8 | Series Capacitor is shorted internally. Device bypassing capacitance will increase as two series capacitors becomes single capacitor. | D |
PGND1 | 9 | Normal Operation | D |
SYNC | 10 | Normal operation for PFM mode. | C |
PG1 | 11 | Loss of Power Good Flag | B |
MODE | 11 | Normal operation for PFM mode. | C |
EN1 | 12 | Device is Disabled | C |
BIAS/VOSNS1 | 13 | VOUT1 = 0V short circuit | B |
FB1 | 14 | If configured as 3.3V fixed, normal operation. If configured for other Vout, then Vout1 will be out of specification and output 3.3V | B |
VCC | 15 | Device is Disabled | B |
AGND | 16 | Normal Operation | D |
RT | 17 | VOUT = 0 V. No switching. | B |
FB2 | 18 | If configured as 3.3V fixed, normal operation. If configured for other Vout, then Vout2 will be out of specification and output 3.3V | B |
SS | 18 | VOUT = 0 V | B |
VOSNS2 | 19 | VOUT2 = 0V if FB2=VCC or GND. | B/C |
COMP | 19 | VOUT = 0 V | B |
EN2 | 20 | Second Channel is disabled | B |
CONFIG | 21 | Device is Configured as Dual Output Voltage | B |
PG2 | 22 | Loss of Power Good Flag | B |
SYNCOUT | 22 | If primary, secondary and tertiary devices will not switch. If secondary, tertiary device will not switch. If tertiary, no effect | B |
PGND2 | 23 | Normal Operation | D |
SERIES_CAP2 | 24 | Series Capacitor is shorted internally. Device bypassing capacitance will increase as two series capacitors becomes single capacitor. | D |
PGND | 25 | Normal Operation | D |
Pin Name | Pin No | Description of Potential Failure Effect(s) | Failure Effect Class |
VIN2 | 1 | VOUT2 = 0V | B |
CB2 | 2 | VOUT2 will collapse under load as FET gate voltage is not enough to fully enhance. Damage may occur if current is pulled from switch. | A |
SW2 | 3 | VOUT2 = 0V | B |
PGND3 | 4 | Normal Operation | D |
SW1 | 5 | VOUT1 = 0V | B |
CB1 | 6 | VOUT1 will collapse under load as FET gate voltage is not enough to fully enhance. Damage may occur if current is pulled from switch. | A |
VIN1 | 7 | VOUT1 = 0V | B |
SERIES_CAP1 | 8 | Normal Operation | D |
PGND1 | 9 | Normal Operation | D |
SYNC | 10 | Device can toggle between PFM and PWM modes | C |
PG1 | 11 | Loss of Power Good Flag | B |
MODE | 11 | Device can toggle between PFM and PWM modes | C |
EN1 | 12 | Loss of Disable Function | C |
BIAS/VOSNS1 | 13 | If in fixed output configuration, Vout >> than set point. If in adjustable Vout configuration, slight increase in input current. | B |
FB1 | 14 | Part configuration will be randomly selected between Fixed 5V or Adjustable. | B/C |
VCC | 15 | Part can turn on and off as VCC uvlo is triggered. | B |
AGND | 16 | Normal Operation | D |
RT | 17 | VOUT = 0 V. No switching. | B |
FB2 | 18 | Part configuration will be randomly selected between Fixed 5V or Adjustable. | B/C |
SS | 18 | Fast Soft Start | D |
VOSNS2 | 19 | If in fixed output configuration, Vout >> than set point. | B |
COMP | 19 | Device can have oscillations on VOUT | B |
EN2 | 20 | Loss of Disable Function | C |
CONFIG | 21 | VOUT = 0 V. No switching. | B |
PG2 | 22 | Loss of Power Good Flag | B |
SYNCOUT | 22 | If primary, secondary and tertiary devices will not switch. If secondary, tertiary device will not switch. If tertiary, no effect | B |
PGND2 | 23 | Normal Operation | D |
SERIES_CAP2 | 24 | Normal Operation | D |
PGND | 25 | Normal Operation | D |
Pin Name | Pin No | Description of Potential Failure Effect(s) | Failure Effect Class |
VIN2 | 1 | Boot driver will be damaged | A |
CB2 | 2 | VOUT2 = 0 | B |
SW2 | 3 | Potential Damage to HS FET | A |
PGND3 | 4 | Potential Damage to HS FET | A |
SW1 | 5 | VOUT1 = 0 | B |
CB1 | 6 | Boot driver will be damaged | A |
VIN1 | 7 | Series Capacitor is shorted internally. Device bypassing capacitance will increase as two series capacitors becomes single capacitor. | D |
SERIES_CAP1 | 8 | Series Capacitor is shorted internally. Device bypassing capacitance will increase as two series capacitors becomes single capacitor. | D |
PGND1 | 9 | Normal operation for AUTO mode. | C |
SYNC | 10 | For PG < 5.5V. Device will start in PFM and transition to PWM after start up. For PG > 5.5V damage may occur. For mode, part might enter PFWM of PWM mode based on SYNC logic | A |
PG1 | 11 | For EN < 20V. Device damage could occur if PG FET current limit is exceed. For EN > 20V, PGOOD FET can be damaged. | A |
MODE | 11 | For EN < 20V. Normal Operation For EN > 20V, PGOOD FET can be damaged. | A |
EN1 | 12 | For EN < 5V. Output voltage out of range. For EN > 5V, device damge can occur if current is not limited | A |
BIAS/VOSNS1 | 13 | If configured as 3.3V fixed, normal operation. If configured for other Vout, then Vout1 will be out of specification and output 3.3V | B |
FB1 | 14 | If configured as 5V fixed, normal operation. If configured for other Vout, then Vout1 will be out of specification and output 5V | B |
VCC | 15 | Vout1 = Vout 2 = 0V | B |
AGND | 16 | VOUT = 0 V. No switching. | B |
RT | 17 | Switching Frequency and output voltage will be incorrect. | B |
FB2 | 18 | If FB2 is grounded, Vout2 >> than set point. If FB2 is VCC then VCC will be pulled to 5V, no damage should occur. If FB2 is resistor divider the Vout will be 3.3Vout and see a load from the FB resistance to ground. | B |
SS | 18 | Fast Soft Start | C |
VOSNS2 | 19 | VOUT2 >> than set point | B |
COMP | 19 | EN > 5.5V. Damage of comparator if not current limited. | A |
EN2 | 20 | EN2 < 5.5V. Device is Configured as Dual Output Voltage. EN2 > 5.5 damge if not current limited | A |
CONFIG | 21 | Device is Configured as Dual Output Voltage | B |
PG2 | 22 | Loss of Power Good Flag | B |
SYNCOUT | 22 | If primary, secondary and tertiary devices will not switch. If secondary, tertiary device will not switch. If tertiary, no effect | B |
PGND2 | 23 | Normal Operation | D |
SERIES_CAP2 | 24 | Series Capacitor is shorted internally. Device bypassing capacitance will increase as two series capacitors becomes single capacitor. | D |
PGND | 25 | Series Capacitor is shorted internally. Device bypassing capacitance will increase as two series capacitors becomes single capacitor. | D |
Pin Name | Pin No | Description of Potential Failure Effect(s) | Failure Effect Class |
VIN2 | 1 | Normal Operation | D |
CB2 | 2 | Boot driver will be damaged | A |
SW2 | 3 | Potential Damage to LS FET | A |
PGND3 | 4 | VOUT = 0 V | B |
SW1 | 5 | Potential Damage to LS FET | A |
CB1 | 6 | Boot driver will be damaged | A |
VIN1 | 7 | Normal Operation | D |
SERIES_CAP1 | 8 | Series Capacitor is shorted internally. Device bypassing capacitance will increase as two series capacitors becomes single capacitor. | D |
PGND1 | 9 | VOUT = 0 V | B |
SYNC | 10 | Potential Damage for VIN > 5.5V | A |
PG1 | 11 | Loss of Power Good Flag. Potential Damage if not current limited | A |
MODE | 11 | Normal operation for PWM mode. Potential Damage for VIN > 5.5V | A |
EN1 | 12 | Device is enabled | C |
BIAS/VOSNS1 | 13 | Potential damage from permanent short across converter | A |
FB1 | 14 | Potential Damage for VIN > 5.5V | A |
VCC | 15 | Potential Damage for VIN > 5.5V | A |
AGND | 16 | VOUT = 0 V | B |
RT | 17 | Potential Damage for VIN > 5.5V | A |
FB2 | 18 | Potential Damage for VIN > 5.5V | A |
SS | 18 | Potential Damage for VIN > 5.5V | A |
VOSNS2 | 19 | Potential Damage for VIN > 5.5V | A |
COMP | 19 | Potential Damage for VIN > 5.5V | A |
EN2 | 20 | Second Channel is enabled | C |
CONFIG | 21 | Potential Damage for VIN > 5.5V | A |
PG2 | 22 | Potential Damage for VIN > 20V or lower if not current limited | A |
SYNCOUT | 22 | Potential Damage for VIN > 5.5V or lower if not current limited | A |
PGND2 | 23 | VOUT = 0 V | B |
SERIES_CAP2 | 24 | Series Capacitor is shorted internally. Device bypassing capacitance will increase as two series capacitors becomes single capacitor. | D |
PGND | 25 | VOUT = 0 V | B |