SFFSA16 October 2024 INA745A , INA745B
Figure 4-1 shows the INA74X-Q1 pin diagrams for the 3x5 QFN package. For a detailed description of the device pins please refer to the corresponding Pin Configuration and Functions sections in the INA745 data sheet.
Pin Name | Pin No. | Description of Potential Failure Effects | Failure Effect Class |
SH+ | 1 | A short from the bus supply to GND occurs. High current flows from bus supply to GND. Bond wires of pins IN+ and SH+ and die metal trace between pins IN+ and SH+ are damaged. | A |
IN+ | 2 | In high-side configuration, a short from the bus supply to GND occurs resulting in high current flow. In low-side configuration, input pins are shorted. | B |
A1 | 3 | A1 shorted to GND. No change if initially grounded. Loss of I2C communication if tied to SDA or SCL. Power supply shorted to GND if tied to VS. | D for A1 = GND |
B otherwise | |||
A0 | 4 | A0 shorted to GND. No change if initially grounded. Loss of I2C communication if tied to SDA or SCL. Power supply shorted to GND if tied to VS. | D for A1=GND |
B otherwise | |||
SDA | 5 | SDA shorted to GND. Loss of communication. | B |
SCL | 6 | SCL shorted to GND. Loss of communication. | B |
IS- | 7 | In high-side configuration, a short from the bus supply to GND occurs. High current flows from bus supply to GND. The shunt could be damaged due to high current. | A for high-side |
In low-side configuration, normal operation. | D for low-side | ||
SH- | 8 | In high-side configuration, a short from the bus supply to GND occurs. High current flows from bus supply to GND. Shunt bond wires of pin SH- and die metal trace between pin IN- and SH- can be damaged. | A for high-side |
In low-side configuration, normal operation. | D for low-side | ||
IN- | 9 | In high-side configuration, a short from the bus supply to GND occurs resulting in high current flow. | B for high-side; |
In low-side configuration, normal operation. | D for low-side | ||
ALERT | 10 | ALERT forced to active mode. Loss of ALERT functionality. | B |
VS | 11 | Power supply shorted to GND. No power to the device. | B |
GND | 12 | Normal operation. | D |
VBUS | 13 | VBUS shorted to GND. High current flows from bus supply to GND. | B |
IS+ | 14 | A short from the bus supply to GND occurs. High current flows from bus supply to GND. This affects the system functionality but does not affect the IC. | C |
Pin Name | Pin No. | Description of Potential Failure Effects | Failure Effect Class |
SH+ | 1 | Shunt resistor is not connected to amplifier. IN+ pin floats to an unknown value. Output goes to an unknown value not to exceed VS or GND. | C |
IN+ | 2 | Cannot measure sense voltage. | B |
A1 | 3 | A1 pin is open. Undefined device address. | B |
A0 | 4 | A0 pin is open. Undefined device address. | B |
SDA | 5 | SDA pin is open. Loss of communication. | B |
SCL | 6 | SCL pin is open. Loss of communication. | B |
IS- | 7 | Bus supply to load path is cut off and no load current flows. IN- is at the same potential as bus supply. Differential input voltage is 0V. | C |
SH- | 8 | Shunt resistor is not connected to amplifier. IN- pin floats to an unknown value. Output goes to an unknown value not to exceed VS or GND. | C |
IN- | 9 | Cannot measure sense voltage. | B |
ALERT | 10 | ALERT pin is open. Loss of ALERT functionality. | B |
VS | 11 | No power to the device. | B |
GND | 12 | No power to the device. | B |
VBUS | 13 | VBUS pin floats to an unknown voltage. Any measurements and calculations that depend on VBUS are invalid. | B |
IS+ | 14 | Bus supply to load path is cut off and no load current flows. IN+ is at the same potential as GND. Differential input voltage is 0V. | C |
Pin Name | Pin No. | Shorted to | Description of Potential Failure Effects | Failure Effect Class |
SH+ | 1 | 2 - IN+ | Normal operation. | D |
IN+ | 2 | 3 - A1 | IN+ shorted to A1. No change in low-side configuration. Loss of I2C communication unless A1=GND. Damage possible in high-side configuration. | A for high-side |
B for low-side | ||||
A1 | 3 | 4 - A0 | A1 shorted to A0. No change if A1 and A0 are initially the same. Loss of I2C communication for any short combination between GND, SDA, SCL, or if SCL is tied to VS. Power supply shorted to ground if one pin is Vs and the other is GND. If SDA is shorted to VS, then the device can be damaged when SDA is driven low by the device if input current is > 10mA. | A for SDA to VS |
D for A1 = A0 | ||||
B otherwise | ||||
A0 | 4 | 5 - SDA | A0 shorted to SDA. Normal operation if A0 = SDA by design. | D if A0 to SDA |
B otherwise | ||||
SDA | 5 | 6 - SCL | SDA shorted to SCL. Loss of communication. | B |
SCL | 6 | 7 - IS- | SCL shorted to IS-. Loss of I2C communication. Damage is possible in high-side configuration. | A for high-side |
B for low-side | ||||
IS- | 7 | 8 - SH- | IS- shorted to SH-. Measurement accuracy is degraded. There is no effect on the IC. | C |
SH- | 8 | 9 - IN- | Normal operation. | D |
IN- | 9 | 10 - ALERT | IN- shorted to ALERT. In high-side configuration, when ALERT is driven low, device can be damaged. | A for high-side |
In low-side configuration, loss of functionality. | B for low-side | |||
ALERT | 10 | 11 - VS | ALERT shorted to VS. When ALERT is driven low, device can be damaged. | A |
VS | 11 | 11 - GND | Power supply shorted to GND. No power to the device. | B |
GND | 12 | 12 - VBUS | VBUS shorted to GND. High current flows from bus supply to GND. | B |
VBUS | 13 | 14 - IS+ | VBUS shorted to IS+. In high-side configuration, normal operation. | D for high-side |
In low-side configuration, VBUS is shorted to GND, resulting in loss of some functionality. | B for low-side | |||
IS+ | 14 | 1 - SH+ | IS+ shorted to SH+. Measurement accuracy is degraded. There is no effect on the IC. | C |
Pin Name | Pin No. | Description of Potential Failure Effects | Failure Effect Class |
SH+ | 1 | A short from the bus supply to VS occurs High current flows from bus supply to VS or VS to bus supply. Die metal trace between pin IN+ and SH+ is damaged. | A |
IN+ | 2 | In high-side configuration, VBUS shorted to VS. The device could be damaged if VS is driven to a voltage > 6V. | A for high-side |
In low-side configuration, power supply to short to GND. No power to the device. | B for low-side | ||
A1 | 3 | A1 shorted to VS. No change if initially set to VS. Loss of I2C communication if SCL is tied to VS. Power supply shorted to ground if A1 is GND. If A1 is SDA then the device can be damaged when SDA is driven low by the device if input current is > 10mA. | A for A1 = SDA |
D for A1 = VS | |||
B otherwise | |||
A0 | 4 | A0 shorted to VS. No change if initially set to VS. Loss of I2C communication if SCL is tied to VS. Power supply shorted to ground if A1 is GND. If A1 is SDA then the device can be damaged when SDA is driven low by the device if input current is > 10mA. | A for A0 = SDA |
D for A0 = VS | |||
B otherwise | |||
SDA | 5 | SDA shorted to VS. When SDA is driven low, device can be damaged if input current is > 10mA. | A |
SCL | 6 | SCL shorted to VS. Loss of communication. | B |
IS- | 7 | In high-side configuration, a short from the bus supply to VS occurs. High current flows from bus supply to VS or VS to bus supply. The shunt can be damaged due to high current. | A for high-side |
In low-side configuration, system functionality is affected negatively but not the IC. | C for low-side | ||
SH- | 8 | A short from the bus supply to VS occurs. High current flows from bus supply to VS or VS to bus supply. The shunt and die metal trace between pin IN- and SH- is damaged. | A |
IN- | 9 | In high-side configuration, VBUS shorted to VS. The device can be damaged if VS is driven to a voltage > 6 V. | A for high-side |
In low-side configuration, power supply to short to GND. No power to the device. | B for low-side | ||
ALERT | 10 | ALERT shorted to VS. When ALERT is driven low, device can be damaged if input current is > 10mA. | A |
VS | 11 | Normal operation. | D |
GND | 12 | Power supply shorted to GND. No power to the device. | B |
VBUS | 13 | VBUS shorted to VS. The device can be damaged if VS is driven to a voltage > 6V. | A |
IS+ | 14 | In low-side configuration, a short from VS to GND occurs. The shunt can be damaged due to high current. | A for low-side |
In high-side configuration, bus supply is shorted to VS and system functionality is affected negatively but not the IC. | C for high-side |