SLAAE57 June   2022 TAS2563


  1.   Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1PDM Microphone
    1. 1.1 PDM Microphone Hardware Connections
    2. 1.2 PDM Input Function Modes
  4. 2Echo Reference
  5. 3SDOUT Data Arrangement
    1. 3.1 Data Slot
    2. 3.2 Data Enable
    3. 3.3 Data Length
  6. 4Practical Configurations Using PPC3
    1. 4.1 Tuning and Audio Processing
  7. 5References

Tuning and Audio Processing

When creating a new PPC3 tuning file, first go to the tuning and audio processing panel. The reason for this is that either PDM or smart amp only configuration must be selected. This use-case covers the PDM mode.

GUID-20220404-SS0I-DSG5-DLLW-3DQTZP8MZZ7B-low.png Figure 4-1 Audio Modes

Once PDM is selected, the smart amp panel can be used to access the PDM microphone gain settings.

GUID-20220404-SS0I-QLSH-XDQJ-4K5ND6K4VWMH-low.png Figure 4-2 PDM Microphone Gain

In addition, the output data selection is available in two different options:

  1. At Device Control -> TDM Transmitter -> Configure Slots device control panel -> transmitter -> configure slots. Here the device can be configured as part of debugging on the EVM. Different types of data can be included and the gear icon on the top right corner allows the user to select the data length.
    GUID-20220404-SS0I-JSJB-S2CJ-5JDG6D5RK3TJ-low.png Figure 4-3 SDOUT Data Configuration - Device Control
  2. This can also be configured at the end-system integration, as part of the snapshot selection configuration. Use the gear icon on the top right corner to access the different output data options.
    GUID-20220404-SS0I-PJ8W-RWQV-BJWJ7NQNB4B0-low.png Figure 4-4 SDOUT Data Configuration - End System Integration