As a general-purpose MCU product, MSPM0 has the characteristics of complete peripherals and high cost performance, making the BMS product design more flexible and low-cost. This application note is a guide for the preparation and usage of the sample code for the BQ79616-Q1 device paired with a LP-MSPM0G3507, including hardware connection, software, communication protocol, and test result between MSPM0 and BQ79616. Users can also port this code easily to other MSPM0 devices using the system configuration tool (SYSCONFIG). Demo code can be accessed from MSPM0 offline SDK or online SDK.
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Energy storage has been widely used electric vehicles, power grid, and renewable energy. BMS is the control unit that manages cells in the battery pack. Generally, BMS consists of four modules: power, AFE, communication, control, and monitoring, as shown in Figure 1-1. The auxiliary power component draws power from the battery pack to other parts of the BMS. AFE measures, balances and protects the integrated battery cells at the front end. The communication and control module obtain the measurement data of the AFE for calculation and control and send data to host PC.
This document uses BQ79616 EVM and LP-MSPM0G3507 to build a sample system, providing a design reference for the interaction between AFE and MCU in BMS application. Based on the demo code in MSPM0 SDK, the functions include BQ79616 initialization, BQ79616 data reading and sending data to the CAN bus.
Figure 2-1 shows the connection between BQ79616 EVMs, LP-MSPM0G3507, PC, CAN Analyzer and TCAN1046V-EVM.