SLAU847D October 2022 – May 2024 MSPM0L1105 , MSPM0L1106 , MSPM0L1117 , MSPM0L1227 , MSPM0L1227-Q1 , MSPM0L1228 , MSPM0L1228-Q1 , MSPM0L1303 , MSPM0L1304 , MSPM0L1304-Q1 , MSPM0L1305 , MSPM0L1305-Q1 , MSPM0L1306 , MSPM0L1306-Q1 , MSPM0L1343 , MSPM0L1344 , MSPM0L1345 , MSPM0L1346 , MSPM0L2227 , MSPM0L2227-Q1 , MSPM0L2228 , MSPM0L2228-Q1
The majority voting feature of the UART provides noise immunity by sampling each bit 3 times in the center of the bit period. For example, in the case when the UARTx.CTL0.HSE is set to 0 with 16 oversampling; the 7th, 8th and 9th bit are sampled and the majority value is considered as final value to be sampled. When the UARTx.CTL0.HSE is set to 1 with 8 oversampling; then the 3rd ,4th and 5th bits are sampled and majority value is considered as final value to be sampled. The oversampling is only applicable for 16 and 8 oversampling. When the 3 samples used for majority vote are not equal; the RIS.NE (noise error bit) is set. The received data is transferred despite the noise error. The NE bit will get appended to the received data before storing it in the RXDATA register at bit position 12. Please note that the majority voting feature is implemented only for data bits. One can select majority voting or single sample using the MAJVOTE control bit in the CTL0 register.