SLAU847D October 2022 – May 2024 MSPM0L1105 , MSPM0L1106 , MSPM0L1117 , MSPM0L1227 , MSPM0L1227-Q1 , MSPM0L1228 , MSPM0L1228-Q1 , MSPM0L1303 , MSPM0L1304 , MSPM0L1304-Q1 , MSPM0L1305 , MSPM0L1305-Q1 , MSPM0L1306 , MSPM0L1306-Q1 , MSPM0L1343 , MSPM0L1344 , MSPM0L1345 , MSPM0L1346 , MSPM0L2227 , MSPM0L2227-Q1 , MSPM0L2228 , MSPM0L2228-Q1
Edge time capture measures the time (in TIMCLK cycles) from the start of the capture operation to the signal edge. The counter is loaded when TIMx is enabled and counts with each TIMCLK period until the CCP edge is detected, which triggers the capture of the timer value and generates a capture event. The capture edge time is equivalent to the difference between the starting value of the counter and the capture value in TIMx.CC_xy[0/1] register.
Edge Time Capture Configuration
Example using up-counting mode for rising edge capture
In up-counting mode starting from zero (CM = 2, CVAE = 2), TIMx can be configured to generate a zero pulse and start the counter from the configured capture event (CCOND) by setting ZCOND to 1.
The expected internal timing for a rising or positive edge time capture in up-counting mode is shown in Figure 23-14.