SLAU847D October 2022 – May 2024 MSPM0L1105 , MSPM0L1106 , MSPM0L1117 , MSPM0L1227 , MSPM0L1227-Q1 , MSPM0L1228 , MSPM0L1228-Q1 , MSPM0L1303 , MSPM0L1304 , MSPM0L1304-Q1 , MSPM0L1305 , MSPM0L1305-Q1 , MSPM0L1306 , MSPM0L1306-Q1 , MSPM0L1343 , MSPM0L1344 , MSPM0L1345 , MSPM0L1346 , MSPM0L2227 , MSPM0L2227-Q1 , MSPM0L2228 , MSPM0L2228-Q1
DALI stands for Digital Addressable Lighting Interface. It is an International Standard (IEC 62386) lighting control system, providing a single interface for all electronic control gear (light sources) and electronic control devices (lighting controllers).
The UART module supports the low level DALI Protocol sending and receiving the bit streams for forward and backward frames. The timing between any forward and backward frame sequence needs to be handled and checked by software.
Transmitting a forward or backward frame:
When transmitting a forward frame user needs to ensure to write second byte to buffer before first byte has been shifted out. The hardware will then send the two bytes without inserting the stop bits in-between. Otherwise the stop bits will be sent and the data will be handled like a backward frame.
Receiving data:The UART module in DALI mode will check the 9th bit after the start bit to detect a Forward frame or backward frame. If this bit does have a change of the phase (= no stop bit) a forward frame is detected and:
The AMASK register can be used as group assignment used during multicast operation with the MSB to indicate if the device is part of a DALI group. To enable the UART in DALI mode to respond on all ADDRESS the AMASK register needs to be cleared.