SLOA332A July 2023 – September 2024 LMV821-N , LMV831 , OPA2991 , OPA345 , OPA376 , OPA376-Q1 , OPA377 , OPA377-Q1 , OPA4991 , OPA991 , TL074 , TLV376 , TLV9001 , TLV9002 , TS321
Many bipolar op amp input stages simplify to the circuit in Figure 2-1. The VID, [IN+]-[IN-] voltage, controls how the bias current (B) is split between current paths I1 and I2. Current I1 is mirrored 1:1, to create an output current, I2-I1, that can vary from -B to +B. This output current charges the compensation capacitor (CC) and this charge rate is inverted to become the output slew rate.
The output slew rate (SR) can be varied from -B/CC to +B/CC. The result of B/CC is the slew rate that is specified on the data sheet. For some op amps, the positive and negative slew rate can be a little different; in this example the slower rate is recorded. The SR in the data sheet is always the magnitude of SR, ignoring polarity.
Current B and capacitance CC are different for every bi-polar op amp. However, the relationship between VID and SR / max SR ratio is similar for most. This consistent relationship is based on two formulas, the first shown in Equation 1 where k = Boltzmann’s constant, T = Temperature (Kelvin), q = Electron charge. The second formula, Equation 2, is the percentage of full slew rate.
Zero slew rate (0%) occurs when I1=I2 at VID=0 (more accurately stated as VID = -VOS). Maximum slew rate (100%) occurs when one of the currents [I1 and I2] are zero and the other is at full current. This requires |VID| >> 100mV. Figure 2-2 shows the relationship between VID and slew rate relative to maximum slew rate for most bi-polar op amps.
Bipolar SR/SR[max] versus VID chart also applies to Darlington bipolar input stages that have current sources on all emitters. There are a few Darlington op amps without a current source on the first emitter. TS321 is an example of a device that does not have a current source on the first emitter. For the TS321 op amp, VID needs to be double the chart value. For example, 2mV (1mV*2) gives 2% of the full slew rate. For JFET devices like the TL074, the VID needs to be eight times larger, as it takes 800mV to get the full slew rate.