SLUAAQ5 May 2024 BQ769142 , BQ76942 , BQ76952 , BQ76972
Yes, this can be achieved by setting your device to PREDISCHARGE mode with the DSG FET in source follower mode. Enabling PREDSICHARGE mode allows the PDSG FET to turn on prior to the DSG FET and limit the inrush current. This is enabled by setting Settings:FET:FET Options[PDSG_EN] high. From here, the device turns on the PDSG FET before DSG. By making Settings:FET:Predischarge Timeout equal 0, and Settings:FET:Predischarge Stop Delta to be your desired voltage difference (or set to 0), the device remains with the PDSG FET until the threshold voltage difference is met.
Likewise, you must make sure to enable source-follower mode for the DSG FET. This is achieved by setting the Settings:FET:Chg Pump Control[SFMODE_SLEEP] bit. Source-follower allows the DSG FET remain off while in SLEEP mode until a discharge current is detected. When combined with PDSG mode, this allows the PDSG FET to turn on prior to DSG FET and limit inrush current when a load is first attached.