SLUAAT3 November   2023 TPS56837


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Why Soft Start is Needed
  5. 2Soft Start Principle
    1. 2.1 General Principle
    2. 2.2 Internal and External Soft Start
  6. 3Behaviors Related to Soft Start of TPS56837
    1. 3.1 Soft Start Sequence
    2. 3.2 Soft Start Discharge
    3. 3.3 UVP Hiccup Time
  7. 4How to Co-Lay TPS56837 and TPS56637
    1. 4.1 Pinout Differences of TPS56837 and TPS56637
    2. 4.2 Co-lay Guidance TPS56837 and TPS56637
  8. 5Summary
  9. 6References

Internal and External Soft Start

TPS56837 can support both internal and external soft start. Leaving the SS pin floating leads to default internal soft start time. Connecting an external capacitor between SS and AGND leads to external soft start time based on Equation 1.

TPS56837 has a 18-nF internal capacitor Css inside the device, corresponding to Tss of 1.8 ms with an internal pullup current Iss of 6 uA. So, TPS56837 can allow the SS pin floating which can save one soft start capacitor and be easy for layout.

If an external capacitor Css between SS and AGND is connected, the internal pullup current charges both the internal and external capacitor, TPS56837 tracks the lower one between the internal soft start voltage and the external soft start voltage. In other words, Tss follows the slower one. When the external capacitor Css is smaller than 18 nF, Tss is the default internal soft start time, 1.8 ms. If only the external capacitor Css is greater than 18 nF, the soft-start time is adjusted to longer Tss based on Equation 1.

Figure 2-3, Figure 2-4 and Figure 2-5 show the Tss measurement results on TPS56837 EVM board with internal Css, external Css = 1 nF, and external Css = 47 nF, respectively. In Figure 2-3, when leaving the SS pin floating, the soft start time is approximately equal to default internal soft start time, 1.8 ms. Figure 2-4 shows the Tss when connecting an external 1-nF capacitor between SS and AGND. The soft start time is still approximately equal to default internal soft start time, 1.8 ms. In Figure 2-5, an external 47-nF capacitor is connected to the SS pin. The soft start time is 4.7 ms, which equals the calculated results using Equation 1.

GUID-20231121-SS0I-C6TW-H5RJ-LZQVM2THQ31S-low.svgFigure 2-3 Soft Start Time with Internal Css
GUID-20231121-SS0I-FLZL-JBL9-TWH55JNTMMC5-low.svgFigure 2-4 Soft Start Time with External Css = 1 nF
GUID-20231121-SS0I-QQBC-BMDL-1BWVQBJTPJML-low.svgFigure 2-5 Soft Start Time with External Css = 47 nF