4.1 Inconsistent P2_PLUS_(various) NACKing by Secondary Device
Description: Some P2_PLUS commands that can be allowed are NACKed on secondary devices, but not all the time.
System Impact: An incorrect fault response is signaled from these PS-PLUS commands, such as IOUT_CAL_OFFSET and OT_FAULT_RESPONSE. Other Commands include MFR_REVISION with P2_PLUS_WRITE, PINSTRAP_RESULT_OVR with P2_PLUS_WRITE, FUSION_ID1 with P2_PLUS_READ, ALERT_MASK_BYTE with P2_PLUS_WRITE.
Workaround or Mitigation: Use the unique address for the secondary device instead of P2_PLUS for the specified commands, or ignore faults when using P2_PLUS commands to the specified commands on secondary devices.
Disposition: Design fix planned for final silicon.