SLVUAW9C September 2016 – February 2020 UCD90320
This Read/Write Word command allows the user to track how many times the device has been reset. On a device that has not been configured, this value is zero and the number of resets is not tracked. To use this feature, the value must be changed to something other than zero and the device must be reset. After that, this value is incremented each time the device restarted (reset or power-on) and completes the start-up sequence.
If the brownout feature is not enabled (see Brownout Enable in Section 10.42) and this feature is enabled, the data flash will be written to each time the device is restarted. If the brownout feature is enabled, this lowers the number of times that the flash is written.
This is a Read/Write byte command. If the reset count exceeds the maximum value (255), it is set to zero and began counting again from there. This rollover occurs 255 times. When the count rolls over the 256th time, the count remains zero and this function is disabled.