SLVUC73B January   2022  – February 2024 TPS7H4003-SEP


  1.   1
  2.   TPS7H4003EVM Evaluation Module (EVM)
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1TPS7H4003EVM Overview
    1. 1.1 Features
    2. 1.2 Applications
  5. 2TPS7H4003EVM Default Configuration
  6. 3TPS7H4003EVM Initial Setup
  7. 4TPS7H4003EVM Testing
    1. 4.1 Output Voltage Regulation
    2. 4.2 Output Voltage Ripple
    3. 4.3 Soft Startup
    4. 4.4 Transient Response to Positive and Negative Load Step (9A to 18A to 9A)
    5. 4.5 Loop Frequency Response
    6. 4.6 Setup
  8. 5TPS7H4003EVM Schematic
  9. 6TPS7H4003EVM Bill of Materials (BOM)
  10. 7Board Layout
  11. 8Support Resources
  12. 9Revision History

TPS7H4003EVM Initial Setup

This section provides the test instruments required and the connections to the EVM.

  1. Input DC power supply
    1. Set for 5V DC, 8A current limit.
    2. Connect positive output of DC supply to pin 1 of connector J1 (PVIN) and negative terminal of supply to pin 2 of connector J1 for ground using 16 AWG wire or larger.
      • Note: For more precise measurements, eliminating the IR voltage drop in the input cables is achieved by using a power supply source with sensing ports and connecting between TP2 to PVIN and TP1 to GND.

  2. DC electronic load
    1. Connect positive DC input of e-load to pin 1, VOUT, of connector J7 (VOUT) using 16 AWG wire.
      • Note: Wire from pin 1, positive terminal of connector, to the e-load must include at least some part in which the wire gauge can be strapped by the oscilloscope current probe. This eliminates the need for a setup change to cover all tests.
    2. Connect negative DC input of e-load to pin 2, PGND, of connector J7 (VOUT) using 16 AWG wire.
    3. Connect voltage monitoring sensing ports of e-load across test points TP12 (VOUT1) and TP13 (PGND). A voltage meter can be used to monitor this voltage also.

  3. Oscilloscope
    1. CH1 - Connect voltage scope probe to scope probe test point J5 (PH) to monitor the phase node. DC coupled, Full BW, 2V/div, Rising Edge Trigger at 0.5V.
    2. CH2 - Connect voltage scope probe to scope probe test point J6 (VOUT) to monitor the output voltage. AC coupled, BW = 20MHz, 10mV/div.
    3. CH4 - Connect current scope probe to monitor current through wire connecting J7 (VOUT) and e-load. 5A/div.
      • Note: Only required for transient load testing.
Table 3-1 Summary of Connections
J1PVINInput power: pin 1 = 5V, pin 2 = GND (Vsupply)
J7VOUTOutput voltage: pin 2 = GND, pin 1 = Vout ≈1 V (e-load)
J5PHPhase switching node scope probe test point (Scope CH-1)
J6VOUTVOUT scope probe test point (Scope CH-2)
TP12VOUTVOUT test point (e-load monitor)
TP2PVINPVIN test point (Vsupply_sense)
TP1, TP13GNDGND test points (Vsupply_sense, e-load monitor)