SLVUCA6 August   2021 TPS25854-Q1


  1.   Trademarks
  2. 1Introduction
    1. 1.1 Features
    2. 1.2 Applications
  3. 2Schematic
  4. 3General Configuration and Description
    1. 3.1 Physical Access
    2. 3.2 Adjusting the Switching Frequency
    3. 3.3 Adjusting the Current Limit Value
    4. 3.4 Adjusting the Cable Compensation Value
    5. 3.5 Thermal Management
    6. 3.6 Test Setup
  5. 4Board Layout
  6. 5Bill of Materials

Physical Access

Table 3-1 lists the TPS25854Q1EVM-164 connector functionality, Table 3-2 describes the jumper configuration, and Table 3-3 describes the test point availability.

Table 3-1 Connectors
ConnectorComponent TypeDescription
J1USB Type-C connector, receptacle Downstream facing USB Type-C connector. Connect to the USB Type-C slave for data pass through from PA/B_CC1/2 and BC1.2 or USB Type-C identification. USB output power is provided to the slave from the buck converter of the TPS25854-Q1 device.
VIN+, PGNDTerminal blockPower input connector for TPS25854-Q1. Connect to a 5.5-V to 26-V power supply.
Table 3-2 Jumper
PA_CC1PA_CC13 × 1 header. Install shunt to connect Ra or Rd on CC1 of port-A. Remove shunt to float CC1.
PA_CC2PA_CC23 × 1 header. Install shunt to connect Ra or Rd on CC2 of port-A. Remove shunt to float CC2.
Table 3-3 Test Points
Test PointLabelDescription
VINVINVIN pin test point
ENENEN pin test point
OUTOUTOUT pin test point
SENSESENSESENSE pin test point
PA_BUSPA_BUSBUS pin of Port A test point
PGNDPGNDPower ground pin test point