SLVUCJ9 February 2023 LP8764-Q1 , TPS6594-Q1
STANDBY can be entered from the ACTIVE or the RETENTION states. In order to stay in the mission state of STANDBY and not enter the hardware state LP_STANDBY the LP_STANDBY_SEL bit must be cleared.
Similar to the RETENTION state, the STANDBY state turns off all regulators that power the processor. The ACTIVE state is the only destination state available that the STANDBY state returns to.
When the ENABLE pin goes low, the TO_STANDBY sequence is triggered. When the ENABLE pin goes high again, the PMICs return to the ACTIVE state, defined in the STARTUP_DEST bits. The TO_STANDBY sequence is also triggered by the I2C_0 trigger. When triggered from I2C_0 the PMIC can be triggered to return to the ACTIVE states by GPIO4, GPIO10, or and RTC timer or alarm. In this example, I2C_0 trigger is used to enter the STANDBY state and the GPIO4 is used to enter the ACTIVE state.
Write 0x48:0xC3:0x00:0xF7 // LP_STANDBY_SEL=0
Write 0x48:0x7D:0xC0:0x3F // Mask NSLEEP bits
Write 0x48:0x34:0xC0;0x3F // Set GPIO4 to WKUP1 (goes to ACTIVE state)
Write 0x48:0x64:0x08:0xF7 // clear interrupt of GPIO4
Write 0x48:0x4F:0x00:0xF7 // unmask interrupt for GPIO4 falling edge
Write 0x48:0x85:0x01:0xFE // set I2C_0 trigger, trigger TO_STANDBY sequence
After the GPIO4 has gone low and the PMICs have returned to the ACTIVE state
Write 0x48:0x7D:0x00:0x3F // unmask NSLEEP bits
Write 0x48:0x86:0x03:0xFC // Set NSLEEPx bits for ACTIVE state
Write 0x48:0x64:0x08:0xF7 // clear interrupt of GPIO4