SLVUCK2A january 2023 – april 2023 TPS7H3302-SEP
Power supply #1 (PS#1): a power supply capable of supplying up to 3.5 V at > 3 A is required for VLODIN.
Power supply #2 (PS#2): a power supply capable of supplying up to 2.5 V at 100 mA is required for VDDQSNS. Only required if not using VLDOIN for VDDQSNS.
Power supply #3 (PS#3): a power supply capable of supplying up to 3.5 V at 100 mA is required for VIN.
Power supply #4 (PS#4): a power supply capable of supplying up to 5 V at 100 mA is required to power transient circuit.
Power supply #5 (PS#5): a power supply capable of supplying up to 3.5 V at > 3 A is required for V2 source for transient circuit.