SLVUCR9B August 2023 – January 2024 TPS2HCS10-Q1
The Console View tab gives the user the ability to perform raw SPI reads/writes to the attached high-side switch. This mode is intended to be an advanced super-user mode and does not place any protections on data validation or verify that invalid configuration settings are not being sent. The console supports two commands: raw reads and raw writes. For a read command, simply enter "READ XX", where XX is replaced with the register in hex that is desired to be read. Similarly, for write commands, simply enter "WRITE X1 X2" where X1 is the register to write and X2 is the value to write, both in hex. Note that letter case, number of digits, and the presence of '0x' do not matter here as the GUI parses in the relevant format.
The status byte that is returned on a read/write corresponds to the global fault register. See the SPI read/write format section in the data sheet (SLVSGY2) for more information.