SLVUCR9B August 2023 – January 2024 TPS2HCS10-Q1
By default, the Smart Fuse Configurator is set to automatically persist when a change is made on the GUI interface. Likewise, when a fault occurs in the system or a tab page is changed, the GUI automatically pings the high-side switch for the latest configuration data and update accordingly. This behavior can be changed to a manual mode by checking or unchecking the Settings->Auto-Persist/Auto-Refresh settings. Note that "persist" refers to a write operation to the high-side switch's register configuration and "refresh" refers to a reach from the high-side switch's register map.
Once unchecked, the device goes into manual persist and refresh mode. This enables the corresponding button in the Settings menu. Once clicked, these buttons initiate a manual refresh of the GUI (pinging the high-side switch for the latest data) or a manual persist of the settings. Note in manual refresh mode, the fault diagnostics are automatically set to manual refresh mode in the device settings tab.