SLYA060 August 2022 TMAG5110 , TMAG5110-Q1 , TMAG5111 , TMAG5111-Q1
The software on the TI-RSLK LaunchPad development kit is a modified version of the rfEchoTx project example that is in version of the SimpleLink™ CC13x2 26x2 SDK. Similarly, the PC LaunchPad uses the rfEchoRx code example within the same SDK. Both of these code examples are within the Software/SimpleLink CC13x2 C26x2 SDK v: TI Drivers folder of the SimpleLink CC13x2 26x2 SDK.
These two code examples set up bidirectional communication between the TI-RSLK LaunchPad and PC LaunchPad. The code examples were modified to use a packet interval of 0.3 seconds instead of the 1 second default. Besides this, the other radio settings have been reused from the code example. Figure 5-1 shows the timing of the packet transmission and reception at the TI-RSLK LaunchPad and the PC LaunchPad.