SLYA060 August   2022 TMAG5110 , TMAG5110-Q1 , TMAG5111 , TMAG5111-Q1


  1.   Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. Introduction
  4. System Block Diagram
  5. Key System Specifications
  6. HW Connections
  7. Software
    1. 5.1 TI-RSLK LaunchPad Software
    2. 5.2 LaunchPad Software
  8. How to Design With Hall-Effect Latches
  9. Simulation Results
    1. 7.1 Select Device Sensitivity
    2. 7.2 Select Axis of Sensitivity
  10. Performance Comparison
    1. 8.1 Speed and Direction
    2. 8.2 Power Consumption
    3. 8.3 Susceptibility to External Particles
  11. Encoder Board Schematic and Image
  12. 10Summary


Although incremental rotary encoding can be achieved with either Hall-effect or optical sensors, there are several factors that need to be accounted for to create and offer the most robust solution. Optical encoding does not provide the natural immunity to external particles that is furnished by using Hall-effect sensors without needing to design costly sealed encoder modules required by its optical counterpart. Hall-effect sensors can also provide a much lower power consumption in comparison, which is a key care-about that is highly expected and necessary in battery-operated systems. 2D Hall-effect technology can also provide additional information such as motor direction. Ultimately, TI offers many robust solutions for incremental rotary encoding that are both low power and dependable.