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LM3644 can support most of hero LED vender products in the market so as to make LED flash driving design more easily. It can support up to 2 channel LED flashing or torching with 1.5-A maximum flash current and 360 mA (LM3644TT) torch current per each channel. LM3644 also supports flash timeout and IVFM to keep flash LED and system always being in safe.
In most smart-phone applications, the UVP threshold of system is more than 3.6 V, and most of LED forward voltage-drops at 1 A or 1.5 A flash current condition is 3 V around, at this condition, flash driver will work in linear mode or bypass mode, it means boost inductor will not participate, at this point, boost inductor prefers a normal copper wire. For designers, they can remove boost inductor to save more PCB area and solution cost.