SPRACF4C June 2018 – January 2023 AWR1243 , AWR1443 , AWR1642 , AWR1843 , AWR1843AOP , AWR2243 , AWR2944 , AWR6843 , AWR6843AOP , IWR1843 , IWR6443 , IWR6843 , IWR6843AOP
The LUT used for RX gain calibration can be read back using the rlRxGainTempLutGet function. This returns the lookup table that is applied for RX gain calibration for a given profile. The function should only be called after the profile has been configured in the device.
The LUT structure is described in the AWR1xx Radar Interface Control document. The LUT for a given profile consists of a set of 19 RX gain codes, each corresponding to a particular 10 degree temperature bin. Each RX gain code is further divided into an IF gain code and a RF gain code.
The rlRxGainTempLutSet function can be used to replace the LUT used by the device for Rx gain calibration with a different set of gain codes. This function should be called once for each profile for which the LUT needs to be replaced. This function should only be called after the profile has been configured in the device.