SPRACF4C June 2018 – January 2023 AWR1243 , AWR1443 , AWR1642 , AWR1843 , AWR1843AOP , AWR2243 , AWR2944 , AWR6843 , AWR6843AOP , IWR1843 , IWR6443 , IWR6843 , IWR6843AOP
When an internal measurement is being performed for the calibrations, a presence of strong interference from outside the device could possibly impact the measurements and degrade the calibrations. Most calibrations are robust to such interferences: Tx power calibration, DC offset calibration, APLL calibration, VCO calibration, LO distribution calibration, HPF/LPF calibrations, and power detector calibrations would not be impacted by high power level (< -10 dBm) inband interferers. All the run time calibrations are also robust and are tolerant to such large interference.
Certain calibrations, including Rx gain boot time calibration, Rx IQ mismatch boot time calibration, and phase shifter calibration can potentially be impacted if there is an inband interference during the period of measurement. These are executed only during the Rfinit (boot time). Avoid any interference caused corruption by performing these only at the customer factory in an interference-free environment, and use the device calibration data save and restore APIs to inject that information back to the device in the interference-prone in-field operation. The following steps illustrate this approach:
The TX power amplifier is enabled for certain boot calibrations (Tx power boot calibration, Tx phase shifter boot calibration, and Rx IQMM boot calibration). This leads to some signals being emitted on air during this process. If this causes a concern for any of the regulatory standards being targeted for the sensor, then the save - restore scheme explained above could be extended to avoid these emissions during bootup. For this, Tx power boot calibration should also be disabled as part of Step 3 in the above sequence. In the AWR294x, the TX phase shifter calibration does not cause emissions, because a fixed look up table is used. Also, the RX IQ MM calibration is not applicable for the AWR294x.
The TX output power run time calibration in CLPC mode also enables the TX power amplifier. The TX power backoff setting used for this calibration chirp is the same as the one in the profile configuration, thus the total power emitted during this run time calibration is the same as the regular chirps of the same profile. However, the calibration chirp sweep bandwidth is between 75 - 100Mhz, thus the spectral density could be different from the functional chirps. If this is a concern for emissions, the TX power run time calibrations can be set to OLPC mode, where there is no transmission involved.