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This document is intended solely as an introductory guide to certifying equipment containing the TI mmWave Radar device. It is not an exhaustive reference and should not be considered a replacement for the standards put forward by the regulatory body. Consult your test house or regulatory body for your certification needs and requirements.
Products that emit intentional and non-intentional radiation are sold around the world; these products must adhere to regulatory compliance standards that apply to the regions in which they operate:
All test reports and supporting documents can be found in the certification package on the TIREX page.
The roles of these regulatory bodies are to ensure various devices can co-operate, equipment under tests (EUT) can handle the interference from other devices without irrecoverable loss of function, in-band and out of band power is within specified limits, spurious emissions is at acceptable levels, RF exposure are at safe levels etc.
This document briefly covers some of the tests done and tools provided by TI to setup and run the test on the TI mmWave short range radar. RED and FCC compliance tests are discussed in some detail; however, similar tools and information apply to other regulatory tests.