SPRUI30H November 2015 – May 2024 DRA745 , DRA746 , DRA750 , DRA756
Table 8-266 lists the configuration of the SCTM in EVE.
Generic | SCTM Feature/Parameter Details | Value | Number on Device |
CTM_NUMINPT | Number of event input signals supported | 0 to 127 | 31 |
CTM_NUMCNTR | Number of counters in the module | 1 to 32 | 8 |
CTM_NUMTIMR | Number of timers | 0 to 8 | 2 |
CTM_TIMINTPOLARITY | Timer interrupt polarity | 0 = Active low 1 = Active high | 1 |
CTM_TIMINTWIDTH | Timer interrupt pulse width | 1 or more | 2 |
CTM_NUMSTM | Number of counters for STM export | 0-32 | 0 |
CTM_CCMAVAIL | CCM frame export available | 0 = No 1 = Yes | 0 |
CTM_NUMDBGSGL | Number of debug event signals | 0-8 | 0 |
CTM_ASYNCIDLEREQ | Whether IDLE request is asynchronous signal | 0 = No 1 = Yes | 0 |
CTM_CNTR_ CHAINSHADOW | Atomicity feature for even-indexed counters | One per counter. 0 = No chain shadow feature 1 = Chain shadow feature in counter chain mode | Counter numbers 2 and 4 have the chaining feature. |