SPRUI30H November 2015 – May 2024 DRA745 , DRA746 , DRA750 , DRA756
When the Read FIFO is disabled, receive DMA requests pass through directly from McASP to the host/DMA controller. Whether the RFIFO is enabled or disabled, the McASP generates receive DMA requests as needed; the AFIFO is “invisible” to the McASP. When the Read FIFO is enabled, receive DMA requests from the McASP are sent to the AFIFO, which in turn generates receive DMA requests to the host/DMA controller. If the Read FIFO is enabled and the McASP makes a receive DMA request, the RFIFO reads RNUMDMA 32-bit words from the McASP, if and when the RFIFO has space for RNUMDMA words. If it does not, the RFIFO waits until this condition has been satisfied; at that point, it reads RNUMDMA words from the McASP. (See description for RFIFOCTL[7:0] RNUMDMA.) If the host CPU reads the Read FIFO, independent of a receive DMA request, and the RFIFO at that time contains less than RNUMEVT words, those words will be read correctly, emptying the FIFO.