SPRUI30H November 2015 – May 2024 DRA745 , DRA746 , DRA750 , DRA756
Figure 3-51 shows the functional architecture of a generic DPLL.
The DPLL has three input clocks:
The DPLL provides the bypass clock used by HSDIVIDER: BYP_CLK_Hmn, which is output by the multiplexer between the BYP_CLK_M2 and REF_CLK clock signals.
The [1/2] divider located after the M2 post-divider is not valid when the CM_CLKSEL_DPLL_MPU[22] DCC_EN bit is set (applies only to DPLL_MPU when a frequency higher than 1.4 GHz is needed).
The DPLL can be programmed to be locked at any frequency given by one of the following equations:
It is preferred to minimize the value for N parameter (it minimizes lock time and jitter). Then M should be chosen to provide correct frequency (with lowest delta as possible).
It internally generates three main clocks: CLKOUT_M2, CLKOUTX2_M2, and CLKOUTX2_M3 as shown in Table 3-43.
Output | Equation | DPLL Mode |
CLKOUT_M2 | Fdpll / (2 x M2) | Locked (typical case) |
Fref or BYP_CLK_M2 | Before lock or during relock | |
Fdpll / M2 | DC corrector logic is used (DCC_EN bit is set) with M2 set to 0x1. | |
CLKOUTX2_M2 | Fdpll / M2 | Locked (typical case) |
Fref or BYP_CLK_M2 | Before lock or during relock | |
Fdpll / M2 | var tiPageName = 'Literature reader-SPRUI30H-ja_JP'; var tiDocType = 'Technical Reference'; var tiLibraryStore = new com.TI.tiLibrary.tiLibraryStore(); var tiLibraryViewerStore = tiLibraryStore.viewer_store; RiotControl.addStore(tiLibraryStore); var subRoutes = riot.route.create(); subRoutes("/document-viewer/*/datasheet/*\\?*#*", function(gpn, url, params, anchor) { RiotControl.trigger("ti_library_open_viewer", { document: tiLibraryViewerStore.document, documentLocale: tiLibraryViewerStore.documentLocale, url: "/document-viewer/" + gpn + "/datasheet/" + url + "#" + anchor, toc: true, set_content: true }); }); subRoutes("/document-viewer/*/datasheet/*#*", function(gpn, url, anchor) { RiotControl.trigger("ti_library_open_viewer", { document: tiLibraryViewerStore.document, documentLocale: tiLibraryViewerStore.documentLocale, url: "/document-viewer/" + gpn + "/datasheet/" + url + "#" + anchor, toc: true, set_content: true }); }); subRoutes("/document-viewer/*/datasheet/*", function(gpn, url) { RiotControl.trigger("ti_library_open_viewer", { document: tiLibraryViewerStore.document, documentLocale: tiLibraryViewerStore.documentLocale, url: "/document-viewer/" + gpn + "/datasheet/" + url, toc: true, set_content: true }); 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