SPRUI30H November 2015 – May 2024 DRA745 , DRA746 , DRA750 , DRA756
The primary difference between DMA and QDMA channels is the event/channel synchronization.
QDMA events are either auto-triggered or link triggered. Auto-triggering allows QDMA channels to be triggered by CPU(s) with a minimum number of linear writes to PaRAM. Link triggering allows a linked list of transfers to be executed, using a single QDMA PaRAM set and multiple link PaRAM sets.
A QDMA transfer is triggered when a CPU (or other device modules) writes to the trigger word of the QDMA channel parameter set (auto-triggered) or when the EDMA_TPCC performs a link update on a PaRAM set that has been mapped to a QDMA channel (link triggered).
The CPUs triggered (manually triggered) DMA channels, in addition to writing to the PaRAM set, it is required to write to the event set register EDMA_TPCC_ESR to kick-off the transfer.
QDMA channels are typically for cases where a single event accomplishes a complete transfer since the CPU (or other device modules) must reprogram some portion of the QDMA PaRAM set in order to re-trigger the channel. QDMA transfers are programmed with EDMA_TPCC_ABCNT_n[31:0] BCNT =1 and EDMA_TPCC_CCNT_n[15:0] CCNT = 1 for A-synchronized transfers, and EDMA_TPCC_CCNT_n[15:0] CCNT = 1 for AB-synchronized transfers.
Additionally, since linking is also supported (if EDMA_TPCC_OPT_n[3] STATIC = 0) for QDMA transfers, it allows to initiate a linked list of QDMAs, so when EDMA_TPCC copies over a link PaRAM set (including the write to the trigger word), the current PaRAM set mapped to the QDMA channel automatically recognizes as a valid QDMA event and initiate another set of transfers as specified by the linked set.