VPE consist of a single memory to memory path which can perform the following operations:
Read of raster or tiled YUV420 coplanar, YUV422 coplanar or YUV422 interleaved video
Deinterlacing of the input video using a 4 field motion based algorithm
Scaling of the input video up to 1080p (1920x1080) resolution
Write of the resulting video in YUV420 coplanar (raster or tiled), YUV422 coplanar (raster or tiled), YUV422 interleaved (raster or tiled), YUV444 single plane (raster only) or RGB888 (raster only)
Deinterlacing up to two 1080i video sources.
The single data path performs operations in the following order
Chroma Upsampling from 420 to 422 (if needed)
Deinterlacing of 422 video from interlaced to progressive (if needed)
Scaling of 422 video after deinterlace
Conversion of 422 video to 420, 444 or RGB (if needed)
VC-1 Range Mapping and Range Reduction support on input video before Chroma Upsampling (if needed)
Chroma Upsampling Features
4 line Catmull-Rom based implementation
Programmable coefficients for interlaced or progressive conversion. Separate coefficients can be provided for top and bottom fields
Deinterlacer Features
8-bit, YCbCr 4:2:2
Motion-adaptive deinterlacing (MDT)
Motion detection is based on Luma only
4-field data is used
Motion values adaptive to the frequency of luma texture