SPRUI30H November 2015 – May 2024 DRA745 , DRA746 , DRA750 , DRA756
The interrupt period is not exactly 1 ms, because the timer input clock is 32.768 Hz. If the clock counts up to 32, it obtains a 0.977-ms period; if it counts up to 33, it obtains a 1.007-ms period. For large granularity, the error is cumulative and can generate important deviations from the standard value.
To minimize the error between a true 1-ms tick and the tick generated by the 32.768-Hz timer, the sequencing of periods less than 1 ms and periods greater than 1 ms must be shuffled. An additional 1-ms block is used to correct this error. See Figure 22-10.
In this implementation, the increment sequencing is automatically managed by the timer to minimize the error. The user must define only the value of the timer positive increment register (the TPIR[31:0] POSITIVE_INC_VALUE bit field) and the timer negative increment register (the TNIR[31:0] NEGATIVE_INC_VALUE bit field). An automatic adaptation mechanism is used to simplify the programming model.
The TPIR, TNIR, and TCVR registers and adders Add1, Add2, and Add3 are used to define whether the next value loaded in the timer counter register (the TCRR[31:0] TIMER_COUNTER bit field) is the value of the TLDR[31:0] LOAD_VALUE bit field (period less than 1 ms) or the value of TLDR[31:0] LOAD_VALUE –1 (period greater than 1 ms).
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