SPRUI30H November 2015 – May 2024 DRA745 , DRA746 , DRA750 , DRA756
Each module in the device may also have specific clock requirements. Certain module clocks must be active when operating in specific modes, or they may be gated. Globally, the activation and gating of the module clocks are managed by the PRCM module. Hence, the PRCM module must be aware of when to activate and when to gate the module clocks.
The PRCM module differentiates the clock-management behavior for device modules based on whether the module can initiate transactions on the device interconnect (called master module) or it cannot initiate transactions and only responds to the transactions initiated by the master (called slave module). Thus, two hardware-based power-management protocols are used:
Master standby protocol
This protocol is used to indicate that a master module must initiate a transaction on the device interconnect and requests specific (functional and interface) clocks for that purpose. The PRCM module ensures that the required clocks are active when the master module requests the PRCM module to enable them. This is called a module wake-up transition and the module is said to be functional after this transition completes.
Similarly, when the master module no longer requires the clocks, it informs the PRCM module, which can then gate the clocks to the module. The master module is then said to be in standby mode.
Although the protocol is completely hardware-controlled, software must configure the clock-management behavior for the module. This is done by setting the <Module>_SYSCONFIG. MIDLEMODE or <Module>_SYSCONFIG. STANDBYMODE bit fields, as described in Table 3-1. The behavior, identified in the STANDBYMODE Bit Value column, must be configured.
STANDBYMODE Bit Value | Selected Mode | Description |
0x0 | Force-standby | The module unconditionally asserts the standby request to the PRCM module, regardless of its internal operations. The PRCM module may gate the functional and interface clocks to the module. This mode must be used carefully because it does not prevent loss of data at the time the clocks are gated. |
0x1 | No-standby | The module never asserts the standby request to the PRCM module. This mode is safe from a module point of view because it ensures that the clocks remain active; however, it is not efficient from a power-saving perspective because it never allows the PRCM module output clocks to be gated. |
0x2 | Smart-standby | The module asserts the standby request based on its internal activity status. The standby signal is asserted only when all ongoing transactions are complete and the module is idled. The PRCM module can then gate the clocks to the module. |
0x3 | Smart-standby wake-up-capable mode | The module asserts the standby request based on its internal activity status. The standby signal is asserted only when all ongoing transactions are complete and the module is idle. The PRCM module can then gate the clocks to the module. The module may generate (master-related) wake-up events when in standby state. The mode is relevant only if the appropriate module mwakeup output is implemented. |
The standby status of a master module is indicated by the CM_<Power domain>_<Module>_CLKCTRL[x]. STBYST bit in the PRCM module. Table 3-2 describes the master module s