SPRUI30H November 2015 – May 2024 DRA745 , DRA746 , DRA750 , DRA756
In IrDA modes, a status FIFO records the received frame status. When a complete frame is received, the length of the frame and the error bits associated with the frame are written to the status FIFO.
Reading the UART3.UART_SFREGH[3:0] MSB and UART3.UART_SFREGL[3:0] (LSB) bit fields obtains the frame length. The frame error status is read in the UART3.UART_SFLSR register. Reading the UART3.UART_SFLSR register increments the status FIFO read pointer. Because the status FIFO is eight entries deep, it can hold the status of eight frames.
The MPU uses the frame-length information to locate the frame boundary in the received frame data. The MPU can screen bad frames using the error status information and can later request the sender to resend only the bad frames.
This status FIFO can be used effectively in DMA mode because the MPUmust be interrupted only when the programmed status FIFO trigger level is reached, not each time a frame is received.